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"HARRISON ULYSSES POTTER" a certain metamorphmagus yelled out

"so hermione told you about my name" i asked amused

"do not try to change the subject, you are going to abandon your godson" nymphadora accused this got me instantly serious, and utterly outraged

"who in the hell told you that, point me in their direction, i'll have them in St mungo's faster then they can say godfather" i said

"yet you intend to leave me and him here" nymphadora said

"i have already made all of the preparations, for his and your care, and i will of course visit like a good godfather should" i said now confused

"damn it harry that isn't what i meant, and you know it" nymphadora said

"tonks i can't do this anymore, i've been trying i am sure, andi has given you a speech about her worries, yet she doesn't see why i have holed myself in grimmauld place, and buried myself in work, it's because that's what is expected of me here, harry your going to help rebuild hogwarts right, harry you'll help me with my parents right, harry you'll help out at the ministry, harry this, harry that, that's not including all of the damn fangirls, i can't do it, i just can't" i said

"harry, i wasn't trying to force you to stay, i was insulted that you didn't invite me and teddy along" tonks said

"what, why the hell would you want to come with me, you have a job here, friends, fam-a mother, all i have is a slave i didn't even foisted onto me from a family i despised i don't even know what to do with narcissa" i said

"harry" she said

"i wish i had the damn stone" i said, and in those words a ring appeared on my finger

"uh harry where'd the ring come from" tonks asked, as i looked at her confused before looking at my left hand and sure enough, there was a ring on my left hand middle finger, i then concentrated on the elder wand which appeared good as knew in my right hand

"shit, excuse me tonks" i said, as i went to the floo

"kreacher, floo powder" i called, as the elf appeared with the canister of powder

"i will be right back tonks, ron weasley's flat" i called as i entered the fireplace appearing in the flat

"harry, what happened, you'd don't usually visit so spontaneously" hermione said

"yeah what's wrong mate" ron asked, instead or responding i walked over to their kitchen table and put down the resurrection stone and the elder wand, they walked over to see the items and their eyes widened

"and if you recall, i snapped this in half before tossing it over the bridge, so wanna explain how it's good as new" i asked

"how did you get it" hermione asked

"originally, i thought it was a fluke, i was having a conversation with tonks, and wished i had the resurrection stone, so i could talk to remus, and ask him what i should, it is his family after all, and it just appeared on my finger which of course tonks noticed, she brought it to my attention, and to see if what happened was indeed a fluke or not a concentrated on the wand, and appeared good as knew in my hand" i said

"wait your cloak" ron said, having one of those rare strokes of brilliance

"what of it" i asked, hermione was also confused for a moment, then it clicked

"ron your brilliant, harry, the cloak of invisibility, the resurrection stone, and the elder wand, the three deathly hallows i'm surprised i have just now seen it, but you've done it you collected all three, i'm assuming that since you have they have bonded to you, and so you can't lose them, you should be able to lock them away however" hermione theorized

"well since i have it, i'll pick the headmaster's brain, thanks you guys, i'm gonna go back, it will give me the opportunity to ask remus about this family issue i'm having, and then ask the headmaster the hallows issue, after that the stone will only be used once more, so teddy can properly meet his father" i said

"what about you" hermione asked

"i have gotten closure from my parents, ron, i'd share this with your family two, but, you family isn't very good at keeping secrets" i said

"no your right mate, if you aren't calling your family it wouldn't be fair for me to ask you to do that for me, what about the wand" ron said in another rare instance of maturity

"i'm gonna use it to repair my phoenix wand then it will never see the light of day again" i said

"alright harry, be safe" hermione said i nodded, as i returned to grimmauld place

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