Chapter 8

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Emma and I entered arm in arm. It was not a vibe I had been used to for a long time, but I was feeling excited regardless. We made our way to the bar where the boys were, my eyes instinctively scanned the group for Noah, but I couldn't spot him. I ignored the slightly disappointed feeling that washed over me. We greeted everyone and ordered a drink. As I took a sip, I felt a presence behind me, causing my body to tense at the sudden proximity.

"You look good in red, my favourite color too" the voice said in a low tone in my ear, loud enough for me to hear over the music. My head spun around to find myself almost nose to nose with Noah. I let out a nervous giggle and immediately took a step back. He grinned and I could see by the look in his eyes that he'd already had a few drinks.

"Thanks" I smiled shyly at the compliment.

"Well, do I get a hug then or what?" Noah asked, the grin still plastered on his face as he held his arms open. I took a step forward, allowing him to wrap his long limbs around me. I took in his familiar scent as he pulled me close.

"How much did you miss me this time?" Noah asked as he let go.

"Not one bit" I lied.

"Somehow I don't believe you" he smirked and turned away from me to greet Emma before I could respond.

We all danced and drank for what felt like hours before I had to excuse myself for the bathroom. On the way, I stumbled slightly and bumping into someone. I looked up to apologise to the person and heart sinking as I noticed who it was.


"Look who it is" he sneered, looking me up and down. He didn't even have to say anything for me to know that he disapproved of my outfit. However, I was no longer his to judge. I quickly pushed past him, not wanting to deal with anything further he had to say and carried on to the bathroom. I wasn't going to let him ruin things. When I was on the other side of the door, I let out a breath. I spent some time trying to calm myself down and prepare myself in case I came across him again. I checked my phone before heading back out, surprised to find I had a message.

Noah: You alright? You've been gone a while

I smiled at how he'd noticed I was missing and was checking up on me. I started to make my way back out not bothering to reply as I'd see him in a moment anyway. Once I found the group, I spotted Noah and Nicholas stood to the side chatting nearby the others who were still dancing. I quickly made my way over to Noah and Nicholas first to let them know I was fine. Noah gave me a look like he didn't believe me but didn't argue. Instead he handed me a shot and we took them together before I made my way back over to dance. I tried my best to forget about seeing Sam, but I felt a little on edge. My eyes couldn't help but scan the crowd of people cautiously, and it wasn't long before my eyes landed on him. I frowned and looked away, as I diverted my gaze my eyes landed on Noah, who was already looking at me. He quickly turned his head to where I'd been looking and from the expression that appeared on his face, he definitely spotted Sam too. He clenched his jaw and stood up straighter. Glancing back to me quickly before trying to focus on whatever Nick was saying to him.

It wasn't long before Folio, Jolly and some of the crew had decided it was time for more drinks, taking our orders before leaving Emma and I on the dancefloor. I felt someone tap my arm shortly after and turned expecting it to be one of them returning but my face immediately fell when I noticed it was Sam. Emma stopped dancing besides me as soon as she noticed and came to stand next to me for support.

"She doesn't want you here" Emma immediately shouted above the noise whilst linking her arm through mine. Sam ignored her and continued to stare at me.  

"I'm surpised you haven't come crawling back yet" Sam said. I laughed at tried to turn away but he grabbed my arm. 

"And why would I do that! I am having much more fun without you in my life. Now please, leave me alone" I replied trying to get out of his grasp but he tightened the grip.

Emma tried to help me free from his grasp when all of a sudden Sam was being pulled away from me with such force he stumbled back. Noah was now standing inches from Sam, towering over him, his jaw was clenched again like it had earlier. 

"I suggest you leave her alone" Noah spat. 

Nicholas quickly rushed over, getting in between them before it escalated further.

"He's not worth it Noah" Nicholas said in attempt to calm Noah down. Noah took a step back but he continued staring Sam down. 

"Well it didn't take you long to downgrade did it" Sam said to me before looking back at Noah who was now being held back by Nicholas. Jolly and some of the crew came over to help, Nicholas continuing to keep Noah calm and the others worked on getting Sam to leave. 

Sam finally left and Noah had calmed down but still looked angry. He marched off as the others came over to check I was alright. I reassured everyone I was fine and we went to sit down for a while. I soon relaxed again as I felt the alcohol hitting my system and the conversation and laughter flowed. I was aware that Noah hadn't returned in a while so I quickly sent him a message to check he was alright. It didn't take long for him to reply.

Noah: I'm fine, I'm just outside getting some air, I'll be back in a minute.

I quickly excused myself from the others and let them know I was going to find Noah. I slipped through the crowd and found the door to the outside area, there was quite a few people stood around smoking and chatting, but I quickly spotted Noah sat on a chair in the furthest corner. He had his head down, scrolling through his phone. I walked over and took a seat next to him, nudging him slightly. He looked over at me with apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry for acting like that, I was just trying to help" he sighed.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, you idiot" I laughed, moving slightly closer to him so our arms were touching. "I appreciate it" I added. A look of relief washed over him. 

"I just didn't want him to bother you again" he explained.

"Like I said, I appreciate it Noah. I didn't want him to bother me either but he wouldn't get the message." I sighed. "I'm lucky to have you looking out for me" 

"Well I'm lucky to have you too, and anytime, you know I'm always here if you need me" 

We sat in silence for a short while, my mind wandering to how angry he'd looked at Sam.

"Are you always that protective of your friends?" I suddenly blurted out. 

"I try to be, my friends mean a lot to me" he smiled, looking over at me. I held his gaze. "I do really care about you though Lili" he continued, not breaking the eye contact. My heart began beating faster in my chest but I couldn't bring myself to look away. Noah's eyes flickered down to my lips and then back up to meet my eyes again, with a questioning look that made my stomach flip.

"There you are!" Emma suddenly shouted causing us to snap back to reality. I moved away from him slightly and felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. 

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