12: Letter 4

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December 12th, 2004

It's me, Jiddah.

I received my sent letters a few weeks ago. I had been heartbroken that you hadn't bothered to reply but you never received them. I know now. However, it made me even more curious. Where were you? Are you okay? Why did you suddenly change your address? Did something happen? And that was why I went there. To your house. I went there but you weren't there. The neighbours said you left a month after my marriage. Your dad had died. I didn't know. I'm sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved him. May his soul find rest in Jannatul Firdaus, Amin.

However, there's so much I want to say, so much more I want to hear but right now, all I want to know is if you're okay. I need to know. I need to know you're okay. But will I ever know? I can't believe you left without goodbye.

I thought I was miserable enough but I stand corrected. The saddest day of my life was supposed to be on the day I married your brother but nothing had compared to standing on your doorstep, broken and alone, with no idea where or even if I'll ever see you again.

Jiddah Adam Yusuf

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