chapter two: the beginning of our journey

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if you have ever thought of the perfect kid in this neighborhood you would have thought of Elena,but she is not the main character of this story but here best friend raven also known as the misfit of the neighborhood.the two of them lived in new hampshire a small town. growing up raven was known as a difficult child for many reasons. lets just say he wasn't a he but you will know more about that later. he and Elena became best friends when he was two and she was three. there parents were having a get together and they first met each other and since then they were more of brother and sister. she would help him with everything and he was the one who got in fights if someone was mean to her. so they became siblings. they will always be together through the hardships but there bond might break in the future who knows now read to find out and enjoy.


today me and Elena were eating breakfast at her house because me and mum had gotten into a fight over me trying to get top surgery she always gets mad at me for it. she even left me with a black eye witch hurts like a bitch. but back to the point me and Elena were gossiping like always. "so any new boys you like" she asked me while eating her cereal. " no, what about you any girls you like" I asked while eating my chocolate chip muffin. "unfortunately no but who cares we have each other" she said while taking her bowl to the sink. " by the ways why did your mother hit you because it is irritating the fuck out of me looking at that bruise". she said bring ice to my face. " I know but it is what it is but I do know one thing that is the last time I ask about top surgery'. "oh my god I am going to hurt that women one day and it is going to be panful" she said while holding the ice to my face I thought about something. " Ive got it!" I yelled as I stood up. " what " she said turning to me. " lets runaway together' what, are you crazy" she said to my with a look that I recognize. " may a little, but lets do it really who would miss us. nobody would care we could even go to New Orleans like we have always wanted to do, we could have what we always wanted." " and what is that" she said while crossing her Armes " a life, a good life' "okay ' she said while walking up the stairs to her room. " what really " yep, now run to your house and pack a bag with the things you need and meet me back here when you're done , and hurry because your mother will be home soon". "okay sis " I said running out of the house happy.

were actually going to do this we are leaving this afoul place I hate. I ran into my house or should I say my parents house, yes my father did find out I was trans and left to never be seen again but who cares because now I am leaving and I'm going to be happy about it and I'm going to be myself. I ran into my boring room witch all have hung up is my trans flag and a few pictures of me and my sister from another mister. I pulled out the suitcase from my closet and my back pac and started packing. my mother hated my choices in clothes I like wearing more girly cloths witch some people find wired since I am trans and all but I really don't care. I may be a boy now but I still like skirts and heels to make me taller since I stand at 5,2 and Elena stands at 4,5. even though I have more of a boys voice it is still kinda squeaky but I have taken confidence in it mostly but back to packing. I made sure to grab all of the clothes I need and I grabbed my flag and pictures. in my back pack I put my headphones and my book and one very special thing. my batt stuffed animal it was made with the brand colors, Elena mead it of me when I was 13 that was the year I came out trans to her and to my family and she made me feel, well me witch was amazing.

I ran back to her house with all of the stuff I needed in New Orleans, I plan to party and to find love while being my self while we make our new life. I walked in and saw my sis standing in the doorway with her suitcase and backpack " are you ready" she asked me seriously, " yes but were are we going to get the money from for our ride and were are we going to live" don't worry I've already have payed a cab and it is out side waiting and have and hotel waiting for us when we get there and I have a friend who has two seats ready for us on a plane in an hour." 'how and with wut money' I said " well I snaked moms credit card and foreword money to them all and I took money forom the vault enough to get us food for a few weeks, now lets go" she said while walking outside" okay" I said following her outside. we put our bags in the back of the car and got in and told him we wanted to go to the airport and we waited through the drive I read while she was on the phone looking through tick tock I'm guessing. we finally arrived at the air port and I'm starting to be scared because have I mentioned I'm scarred of heights especially airplanes.

after a while of waiting as my sister got us the tickets for the plane somehow we finally boarded and then she gave me some news " oh by the ways we are sitting in diffrint places you are right here and I am in the back okay?" "okay" I said saddened by this " oh but real quick can you help me put my bag up I can't quite" reach I said to her " of corse " she than put up my bag and we said our goodbyes to each other and went to our seats I sat bye the window and puled out my book when somebody said " hello doll face' said a voice next to me and I turned to see a very handsome but older man " hi sir" I said back to him not ready for what came next.

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