Diseases of the new World

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A dangerous, life-threatening disease began to spread on the planet Caragon, which the inhabitants of the planet did not know. They had no resources or medicine to cure this disease, and their only hope was that someone would answer the broadcast signals that the scientists sent to the surrounding planets. Days, weeks, I guess even months passed until one day the answer finally came. The humanoid race from the planet Rasmos decided to lend a helping hand to the inhabitants of Caragon, as they knew the active substance that could save them, they even knew all the healing procedures.

After landing on the planet Caragon, however, events became more complicated, as the inhabitants of Rasmos began to set conditions under which they would be willing to provide help.

They wanted to conquer a large part of the territory in the mountains, which, however, the human foot had not yet set foot on, so with the hope of healing humanity, the main representative of our race, Theo, agreed, not knowing that by doing so he would also sign a death sentence for all of humanity...

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