Duck Calls and Hunting Boots

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"Which one?" I asked Cole, holding two bikinis in either hand. He pointed to the one with the Rebel flag on it and I nodded, tossing the other into my closet. I made my way around my room grabbing a shirt that read "To love is to destroy, to be loved is to be destroyed," a pair of camo shorts and my boots. What can I say? I'm a total nerd when it comes to Cassandra Clare's books. I'm in LOVE with Magnus and Alec.

"Grey! You home?" my brother Matt yelled. Yeah, I know my nickname I'd Grey, it's what I go by most of the time.

"Sure am, bo!" I screamed back. "I'm getting ready to head to the pond with John Luke and Cole!"

"Don't do anything stupid!" he answered jokingly. I rolled my eyes and walked into my closet with the bikini.

"Be right back, hold my clothes," I told Cole before disappearing behind the doors. I quickly stripped down and stepped into my bottoms. But while I was at it I fell and hit my head on the wall.

"Ow!" I squealed. Laughter erupted from the room and I knew Cole heard it. "Shut it, Cole," I snapped.

"Yes, ma'am, Miss Grey!" he teased me. I scowled as I wrestled myself into the top. I looked in the mirror, smiled, opened the door and turned off the light. Being daddy's princess has it's advantages.

"Lookin' good, Anna," Cole said with a wink.

"Always, babe," I cooed in a flirtatious tone. "Toss me my phone, will ya'?"

My iPhone, a birthday present from Jase and Missy, is totally tricked out. Instead of white or black, it's camo! And to put the icing on the cake, Cole got me this wooden case that is really cute!

"Annnna!" another male voice called. "I'm home! And I brought hot doughnuts!" Well that is definitely Eli. When Cole and I's eyes met, we both knew we were in for a competition. Now when it comes to doughnuts, I'm a force to be reckoned with. Kinda like Si.

"Ready, set, go!" Cole an I yelled at the same time and we took off for the kitchen.I was running as fast as my short legs could carry me, and I ended up winning.

"DOUGHNUTS! WHERE ARE THEY AND HOW MANY BOXES?" I screamed at Eli. He held up ten fingers and I snatched up four boxes. Cole grabbed four more and Eli gave us a scolding look. I laughed and grabbed two big bottles of coke and carried everything to the den.

"Ya know, Cole," I said through a mouthful of doughnut, "I'm surprised Eli didn't comment on my only being in a bikini."

"Hey, Cole. Anna," Lauren scowled as she walked into MY house.

"Lauren," I muttered through another mouthful of doughnut. She scowled and walked to the kitchen. Oh, so she knows her way around my house now? Well that's just fantastic.

"If looks could kill, we'd be planning a funeral," Cole stated, causing me to laugh. I pushed him away and grabbed a doughnut, making this my third I'd finished.

"Mind if we join?" John Luke asked, his arm casually around Lauren's waist. I nodded and pushed the other three boxes of doughnuts and most of the first away from me, losing my appetite.

"When did you get into the kitchen?" Cole asked.

"Walked around back to put Magnus and Simba up for Anna," he told us, shooting a playful but pointed glare at me. My cheeks heated up and I chewed lightly on the rest of my doughnut.

"S'rry!" I said in my southern girl slur.

"Oh! Guess what John Luke?" Lauren asked excitedly causing me to roll my eyes.

"What, Lauren?" he replied in an equally excited tone.

"My parents said you could come to dinner and meet the family, but watch out for my dog Harley, he's vicious!" she babbled and warned.

"Cole, ya know how we have a house up in South Carolina?" I asked. He nodded and waited for my reply. "Daddy said we all goin' up there for a few weeks and said you could come!"

I smile spread across his cheeks as he absolutely adores the house.

"Eli, Matt and Ethan all comin'?" he asked munching on his doughnuts. I nodded and he smiled. "Hunting?" he asked causing me to give him a 'why do you think we going' look.

"Hurry up! I wanna get to the pond!" Lauren whined, tugging John Luke's arm.

A fake smile adorned my face as I clicked on the twitter app.

@AnnatheGrey: JL not a good choice.. #no

"When are we leaving?" I asked in a deadpan tone.

"Now I guess," John Luke said, hopping up an walking towards the door. "Well, whatcha'll (what are y'all) waitin' on? Let's go!"

I grinned and grabbed Cole's hand, pulling him up and out the door. Letting go of his hand and making sure my phone was securely tucked into my pocket, I jumped up on the wheel and rolled into the bed of John Luke's truck. Cole followed suit, except not as clumsily, and with more skill. Stupid uncoordination.

"Ridin' in the bed, I see," Ethan smirked as he hopped out of his truck. I smiled and nodded.

"What time's daddy comin home?" I asked which earned a shrug and chuckle from him.

"Grr," I growled, teasingly. "JL, hurry up!" The truck door slammed, the window was rolled down and a tanned arm was pushed out the window, resting in the sun.

I rolled my eyes and a though popped into my mind, "Crap! Cole, I left my clothes in my room!"

He chucked and held up the clothes. I mentally face palmed myself and snatched them from him before asking, "Did you have these the whole time?"

He nodded and winked as I pulled on the shorts. I slapped him hard on the arm and he crimgles. "Ow!" he protested. I laughed and shrugged and pulled my shirt on. I almost went flying off the bed of the truck as it went through a huge hole and I was still struggling to pull it on.

Thankfully, Cole caught me or else I would be dirt road kill right now. John Luke don't stop for nothin'. That's a fact, jack.

"Goldurn, JL! You almost killed us!" I screamed as Cole laughed at my yelling.

"Sorry, not sorry!" Lauren's voice called back. I scowled and plopped down on his lap forcefully, as we bounced through holes and over limbs and bumps.

"I hate her and I hate him for liking her," I growled. He rolled his eyes and pushed me off him.

I fell backwards as the truck abruptly stopped. I sat us dazed and saw we were already at the pond. "Ow," I muttered and rubbed the back of my head.

I jumped down. "Crap, did y'all bring towels by any chance?" Cole muttered as he sauntered up to Lauren and JL.

They shook their heads. "We did!" volunteered three familiar and feminine voices.

"Sadie! Alia! Emily!" I exclaimed running up and attacking Alia, who was dressed in a really cute sundress. She rolled her eyes, stood up and brushed off her dress.

"Anna, see your as...Cole-like as usual," Emily said, awkwardly eying John Luke.

"Ehem, I'll just go over there with Reed and Trenton...wait, where's Will?" John Luke said while Cole agreed.

"He didn't come! He got sick," Sadie said. "So we brought Trenton in his place!"

"Well that seems legit!" I exclaimed, linking mine, Sadie's, Alia's and Emily's arms together. We all tried to skip but epically failed and ended up in a pile, with me on the bottom.

"Y'all are so stupid," Trentons deep voice teased.

"But you love it," I retorted.

"That I do, beautiful. That I do."

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