The Beginning (ch.1)

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Always in [Camila POV] unless stated otherwise. Enjoy.

Typical day logging on Tumblr to talk to Dinah. She became the person I talk to the most, more then my actual friends. Too bad she lives like 50billion miles away.

Dinah is a girl I met on Tumblr who is my number 1 fan. Meaning she rebloggs and likes my post the most. We began to talk and I could have sworn she is flirting with me but how would I really know right? She's cute. We send pictures to each other and talk every day but the time difference sucks. I live in California and she is on a completely different continent.

A couple days passed and it's the same routine talking to Dinah and laughing and sharing jokes and little flirts if that's what you call it. About every day that I talk to Dinah I had to remind myself I like guys not girls. Am I really having sexual orientation problems? No. All this flirting is just a joke. Right.

But with every day that passed I liked her more and more. Things between Dinah and I became more serious. She made me so happy. I wake up every day excited to get her messages. In between my breaks at work and sometimes during class I message her. I would sleep 2-3 hours later than usual just to keep talking to her.

About a month passed talking to Dinah every day, day and night but today was no different. Checking my messages I saw a new message and I smiled as I opened it.

@DJH-Heart: Please tell me you didn't get that message that was so embarrassing. Omg now you probably don't like me.

I laughed because I had read the pervious message.

@CabelloC13: You mean the one where you claim to be a secret agent that has skills when it comes to the world wide web, computer programming and of course stalking people.. So does that mean you will come to my rescue and save me from all harm?

@DJH-Heart: Haha yes! Just don't tell that to anybody ok? Its our little secret ;)

@CabelloC13: Awe yay my hero! Since you can protect me then just be mine? Be my girlfriend.

@DJH-Heart: It's in our rule to not fall in love with the person you're trying to protect.

@DJH-Heart: Wait not that's not what I meant. I meant, Not to have an indescribable feeling towards someone, particularly to the person your trying to protect.

@DJH-Heart: But why me? Out of all the fish in the sea you pick me?

Why her? Because Dinah always made me feel some type of way, I smiled every single time I talk to her. She is the cutest thing ever. I know nothing serious can come out of this knowing she lives 50 billion miles away but I really like her. I can't go another day without calling her mine.

@CabelloC13: Why not you? You are the cutest thing ever babe. I would love to call you mine.

@DJH-Heart: Yes baby! You are mine and I am yours.

Things since then have just gone better. Every day I fall for her more and more. The only hard part of it all is I can only talk to her late at night passed 10pm or early morning before 11am. Time difference I got to say it sucks. But in the mist of all this I haven't felt like this in a while and now she's mine.


I wanted to talk to my girlfriend but she hasn't been online all day. So to keep my mind off things and distract me from missing her so much. I went on tumblr and began to scroll on my dash. A post came up that got my attention. It's one of those "put my color in my ask telling me what you think of me" I click reblog to see if anon dares to put something in my ask. Which I doubt.

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