Chapter 3- First Date

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Since my break up, Lauren and I got closer. We texted every day and tried to talk as much nights as we could. WE got to know each other more I learned so many things about her and she learned many about me. Even with the undeniable feelings for each other she was patient. I told her I wasn't ready to jump into a relationship right away because I was still heart broken. She understood. I know the whole reason why I ended my relationship was so I can be with Lauren, I'll make sure Lauren will be mine eventually.

Tonight was one of those special nights because I got a chance to hear Laurens beautiful voice.

"Im tired baby but I don't want to sleep, I love hearing your voice" I said shyly.

"What if I read you a story to make you fall asleep that way it's the last thing you hear and we both win?"

"Youre the best babe" I smiled so much. Why is she the cutest? I got confotable in my bed waiting for Lauren. "Okay Im ready"

"Okay" Lauren began to read some story she found on the Internet...

Once upon a time there was a unicorn named Sara. She was a very special unicorn that could fly.

She was a happy and good-natured animal and made friends with everyone, even humans.

One day when they were walking in the forest, Minnie asked Sara, "Dear Sara, would you please, please, take me up with you into the great big sky? I want to see the world from up there. Please, Sara?"

"Of course, I will, my little friend. Would you like to go now?" Sara asked, looking down at Minnie.

"Yes please," Minnie shouted, jumping up and down in excitement.

And so, with Minnie on her back, Sara flew off into the air, climbing higher and higher, with the little girl screaming in delight. She held on tightly to Sara and looked down at the ground that seemed so very far away. The houses and trees looked like toys. The river looked like a blue line drawn on one of her drawing pages. Birds flew past her chirping a friendly greeting and she waved at them in return.

The End

I was already falling asleep by the time Lauren Finished.

"Goodnight babe" was the last thing she said before she hung up. I can get use to this I thought as I fell asleep.


It was one late afternoon and I was talking to my sister watching tv. Then suddenly I get a message from Lauren.

Lauren: Hey babe, I know this is last minute but my friend asked me to ask you anyways. Would you like to go to the beach with us tomorrow?

This means I get to see her. If I go it's the first we will ever meet in person.

I need to see her. I want to see her, so finally I can put a face to that adorable laugh. The laugh that brings a smile to my face. What her facial reactions are, the way she will look like when she blushes when I call her cute. I want to tell her she's adorable in person. Hold her hand. Maybe finally kiss those lips. To be her first kiss. In side that scares me. What is she expecting, what if I'm a bad kisser to her? What if I'm moving too fast?

Bad thoughts starting filling up my head but I quickly ignored the negative thoughts and replied with a yes. I want exactly sure how, but it's going to happen.

That night I asked my mom if I could take my little sister Sofi to the beach. I used the excuse that she needs to get out more and we need sister bonding time.

Surprisingly she bought it. She said yes. This was it. I'm finally going to meet Lauren.


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