The home of the Adams residence

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Lillian and l were over the menu for Christmas dinner next week. Ma'ma is princess Lena coming home this year, cause l know she wasn't able to make it last year
My assistant asks me. Yes she's coming along with her new finance Stefanie pleasant young woman, we haven't formally met her yet but Stuart and l spoke to her on FaceTime Queen Elizabeth  said to Lillian. I know you and Stuart are excited to meet your future daughter in law Lillian states, you know Stuart did a full background check on Ms. Foster has done quite well for herself, apparently Stefanie  designs houses for a living. She graduated at the top of her class in college, she has a clean record. I hope Stefanie can live up to Lena's standards, my daughter works very hard to get where she is today. After graduating from Harvard with two degrees under her belt, after receiving a promotion a few months ago as headmistress at Long Beach academy. Lena taught at pine Croft private school for a few years, she decided wanted something different. I'm proud of both my girls, hopefully May has gotten all the rooms strengthened up for our guess when they arrived in town. Nadia is due to come tomorrow her and her children Brandon won't joining us this year due to one of his colleagues calling out, Nadia wasn't gonna come but l convince her to still come home for the holidays. Plus l had Leslie go out and get gifts for everybody, she spent almost two thousand dollars Elizabeth explains to Lillian. Now who's getting the tree my assistant asks me, Emerson should be on his way back with it. We decided on a real one, last year was a total disaster. Elizabeth  Stated where's Stuart at l don't believe l seen him when l arrive Lillian says to me, he should be on his way home from the office. He had to go in to meet with a potential client, Elizabeth  said.
I think we have the menu under control
You have the shopping list and the credit card I gave you. The chef is in the kitchen preparing some light refreshments for when Lena and Stefanie get here, plus he's making Lena's favorite pink salmon with asparagus and jasmine rice. For dessert strawberry cheese cake with gram cracker crust, Elizabeth replied. Maybe l should stick around for dinner Lillian jokes. Elizabeth just shook her head, Lillian puts on her coat.
So she could head to the grocery store
Lillian slips the list in her bag, Elizabeth  escorts Lillian out the front door. May comes down the stairs, miss Adams l have all the rooms.
Cleaned up. I've put fresh linen in all the guest suits, May informs the Queen. Thank you so much for your help, Lillian has left to go to the supermarket. She'll be back in two hours. Do you make sure to hang up the brand new bath robes that came earlier, l want everybody to be comfortable during their visit. What about the guest bathrooms on the fourth and fifth floor, Elizabeth  always likes things to be organized and order Lena's the same way. Yes miss l did everything you requested for me to do May states, very well if you need me for anything. I'll be in the study doing some last minute paperwork, Elizabeth  walks towards the large room. And took a seat at the desk and turns on her work computer

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