The royal wedding) getting ready part 2

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Lena's: POV
I'm sitting here getting my hair straighten by Ashley who's the stylist my mother hired
Everything is finally hitting me all at once
That today is my wedding day. Mother saw the panic look on my face, so she went to get me a nerve pill to help me relax when mom returned she handed me a little white pill and a bottle of water. I took it and drunk some water, mother told me to take some deep cleansing breaths which l did to help calm my nerves a bit. Sweetheart are feeling better mother asks, how long does it take effect Lena asked her mother. It takes about ten to fifteen minutes Elizabeth says to her anxious daughter, when your father and l first got married l was a nervous wreck that l made myself sick. Your aunt was the one who gave me a pep talk, l'm sure Stefanie is feeling overwhelmed as well. Once you see her at the altar all your worries will suddenly disappear Elizabeth tells Lena, mother what l forget my vows Lena begins to panic again, then just speak from your heart and the rest we come Elizabeth said as she goes to get her late mother's tiara out of her bedroom closet in the box that's hidden all the way in the back. Elizabeth comes back carrying a small white box, honey what l'm about to give you was your great grandmother tiara
My mother wore it on her special day. It's been passed from generation to generation so l'm passing it down to you and when you have your own daughter you'll share our families history Elizabeth explains to her daughter. Mom l thought Nadia said you couldn't find it Lena says, your sister was being vindicated because she never got to wear it. I let her wear my mothers diamond necklace and earring set on her special day Elizabeth states, oh mother it's beautiful Lena replies as her eyes begin welled up
Elizabeth hands Lena a box of tissues so she could wipe her eyes. Thank you so much for letting us have our wedding here Lena tells mother, who had tears in her own blue eyes. Ashley starts pinning Lena's hair up in a French twist, she was putting sliver butterfly pins in Lena's freshly strengthen hair. I wonder how Stef is making out down the hall, we haven't seen each other practically all day.

Stef's: POV
Jessica is finishing the last minute touches on my hair. She blow dried it straight
Then she braided down into a French
It's hanging down in the center of my back
Elizabeth went all out to make sure we had everything we needed, Mom is having her hair done by Heather. Dad's somewhere around here with Stuart making sure everything is set up properly in the Grand ballroom next store. I haven't seen much of Oliva or Alex and the kids at all, l'm assuming they're getting ready in another part of the house. How you feeling Stefanie's mom asks me, l'm doing pretty well at the moment Stef states. Did l ever tell you the story about when your father and l got married, you dad cried as he saw me walking down the aisle with your grandfather Ezra. We were married at the justice of the piece, back then my parents didn't have a lot of money to throw me a fancy wedding. I wore my mother's wedding dress, things were totally different back then. But you my dear get to experience the things l never got too Sharon stated, mom l'm sorry you've never had a real wedding before. I didn't realize how hard it was back in 1932, l remember dad saying he worked in a bakery as a delivery driver and you worked as a bar maid. Stef never knew the full extinct of her parents lives before she was born
I'm not saying all this to make you cry Sharon replied, Kim comes in the room
to do mom's and my makeup

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