02|| A deal with the devil

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"Morning." I mumble to Sierra, as I walk into the bar.

She pokes her head out from behind the counter, a large box in her arms. "Good evening." She corrects with a grin.

I laugh. "It feels like morning, and I just woke up. So once again, Good morning!"

"Okay your right. Its not morning until we wake up huh?"

"Excatly, Now your getting it." I say with a smirk. "You need any help?"

She shakes her head. "Nope, just do your thing. I'll be right back."

I nod."Okay."

I walk over to the hooks and grab my waist apron, to put my tips in and carry my notepad, I put it on and tie the back of it. Then I wipe down the bar top because It looks like first shift must have missed it or was to lazy to do it whatever, I don't care, I need it to be clean and tidy.

"Did you get some D last night and not tell me?"

I shake my head and pull my eyebrows together in confusion, Sierra smirks and wiggle her eyebrows. "Are they a man to get D from?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask with a laugh.

"You look all happy and like your glowing." She says "Like the "I just had sex" after glow."

I shrug "I don't know why, we both know I ain't had sex for a long time."

"Tsk Tsk Tsk." My friend and coworker tsks while shaking her head. "We have to get you a man, girl." She snaps her fingers while she thinks. "Hm.. what about the hot neighbor?"

"No way."

"Why not?"

"One hes like 50 with two kids."

Sierra plants her hands on her hip. "That is called a DILF baby girl, ohhhh" she moans. "Them are the best ones, plus you don't need to fall inlove just use his cock."

"Im not interested in using anyones cock."

She bursts out laughing. "You actually said the word cock. Theirs my girl. Anyways, seriously, I'd be all over him."

I open my mouth to reply, but Sierra dashes to the basement and leaves me to fend the drunks off alone for a while. When she returns about 15 minutes later, she winks at me with a sly smile on her face that makes me chuckle and shake my head.

The shift goes by as slow as it always does, and I settle into the work by assisting the regulars. Some people hate routine but it helps calms my nerves, always knowing what to except. I hate the anxiety that comes with the not knowing.

"Shewww." Sierra says, wiping her forehead hours later. "They are drinking like crazy tonight. If we keep this busy, we are going have to get the boss to hire someone else to help us."

"Yup." I say popping the p, I pick up the dish rag and once again wipe off all the spilt beer and liquor off the counter. "You should try to talk to him about that. You know he likes you." I tease

"True." She laughs, not bothering to deny it, we both know its true. Our boss's name is James Anderson, James is forty and divorced and has a thing for Sierra. Hes not a perv, thankfully, but he doesn't try to hide how much he wishes Sierra would agree to a date with him. He asks her everytime he comes in and the answer is always the same. "You want to take you break now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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