6) The extra phase! Part One.

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When we got to the sight for the third phase, I was abit surprised. There was a large two story warehouse, It seemed to stretch for about half a mile. "Perhaps this would be the death match." I thought. I got a little scared when I saw worried looks from Menchi, this was gonna be bad.

All the applicants filled into the building, lining against a wall one by one. A large man with a tiger on a leash stood in front of us, the tiger seemed calm so he was used to people. "Yo! Welcome to the third phase! I'm Crow, your examiner for this phase. I'd like you all to grab one person, and line up before me." I looked at Hisoka, and shook my head.

"This is going to be either we fight, or something cruel against each other. We can't be partners." Hisoka nodded, and pointed towards Gon and Killua. Who were high fiveing, and linked there arms. I automatically understood.

"I want Gon~"


"He interests me~"


"... what?..."

"He's twelve pervert!" I glared daggers at Hisoka, I guess I wasn't interesting to him anymore. "Do what you want ill go pair up with someone else, those two will never part for you. especially if killua doesn't have a partner!"

"Oh~ Is someone jealous?"

"SHUT IT!" I yelled walking towards the two kids. "Gon!" The startled child looked up at me in confusion.


"You my partner, Killua find someone who you find weak." I saw realization flood throughout the eyes of the silver haired boy, he nodded and walked off. Much to the dismay of Gon, I looked back to Hisoka who was a little annoyed and stuck my tongue out.

"Where is Killua going?" Gon asked sadly.

"Ill explain later kid, just shut up." I drug the kid towards the man with the tiger, we were the first in line. People began timidly lining up behind, all scared for what would happen. After all the team's had lined up, Crow began speaking again.

"Okay, listen up! Each team will have a test, not one of them will be the same. So for this I'm going to grab two teams, first this one here. Veladandra and Gon! Second, back there Tonpa and Hisoka! Please come up here."

I sweatdropped and stood up, taking my place next to Crow's Tiger. Not being able to contain myself I reached out and let his head, he gave me a joyful look. Crow looked at me like I was insane, and I just smiled. I loved animals, tigers are no exception. When Tonpa and Hisoka got to the front, I could see Tonpa was terrified. "After the choking incident I can see why!" I thought giggling.

"The rest of you will follow Brute, to where you'll stay during the duration of there test." Crow explained, the tiger rubbed its head on my arm then began walking away. I'd guess that's Brute. Once all the other examiners where away, Crow continued his explanation. "Ok so, Your team's are going to switch for one. So pick a new partner from the other team."

This made things difficult, I didn't want Hisoka with Gon. But I sure as hell didn't want to be near him right now, the man sucks. Before I could say any thing Tonpa grabbed Gon. "Wait, what! Oh come on why am I with the stupid clown!" I yelled, shocking all four of the other people.

"Eh, I thought you were friends?" Gon asked pointing at us both.

"So did I..." Tonpa added quietly.

"Well I'm not interested enough for him, and besides he'd much prefer be a pedophile then hand out with me!" After I said that Hisoka's confusion became amusement, and he began laughing like an idiot. "What are you laughing at jer..." Hisoka cut me off by pressing his lips against mine. I heard gasps from the others, and I was pretty shocked myself.

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