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Mouse was glaring at Ace Spades (Lucy Quinzel), who was giggling with a sinister look and an unhinged grin on her face. Robin was there with the Lucky Girl, because they found out about the shocking arrests of the Wonderland Gang and knew who was left standing in the madhouse...Lucy Quinzel. Batman and Catwoman were behind their sidekicks for a safe reason...for support.

"Lucy, do you realize how many lives you had endangered because of what your parents have done to citizens of Gotham?" Ace froze to hear her real name.

"Never call me Lucy, my friends can only call me that! I'll make sure my family's smiling grin is right on your flawless face!" Mouse didn't stop and pushed her buttons to see if the Princess of Crime.

"Oh really Lucy? You wanna know something that will hurt much worse than that?" Ace was livid and was throwing a fit like a spoiled brat. "Your so-called friends are stuck in captivity in order to cure them from your father's formula, they almost lost their lives to the suicidal bombing of Protocol Titan near Blackgate Penitentiary and were those victims that got infected. You can thank your parents for doing that to them and attempting to kill those homeless people living in the streets."

Ace didn't believe her as she was tearing up and fussing, because she hates her dad for that act and her mother was there to comfort her. Catwoman pats Mouse's shoulder and the Lucky Girl understood the silent message. The ginger-haired thief gently puts down Ace's most favorite toy that doesn't kill and injure people...a sewn rag doll.

"You still got a chance left to change Lucy," the Lucky Girl told the sobbing girl. "Your friends were forced to become monsters, Joker is your own father...and he turned you into one right in front of your own mother."

Batman, Catwoman, and Robin knew Mouse was right and the Lucky Girl got it through Ace's thick skull by showing the rag doll her boyfriend made for the Wonderland Gang's founder. Joker and Harley would be mad if somebody made their child cry, but they're far away from her and that's good for Ace. Harley's in Belle Reve, Joker's in Slabside Prison, the Wonderland Gang are held in captivity for immediate medical treatment against Protocol Titan, and Ace's in Arkham Asylum...lying to Ace will be good for her.

"Where are they? Why are you helping me and my friends?" Ace questioned the Lucky Girl.

"Because your mother told me to get you out of this life without losing you nor your loved ones. You still have time left Lucy, I got some help from Dr. Fries to conduct some tests and find a vaccine to treat all of you from your father's torture." Ace was smiling a bit at the big offer. "Ivy's willing to adopt you as her daughter, she wants you to have a normal life and live it without chaos. You need to find some peace with yourself from the guilt and pain you went through, okay? I'll let you think about it and talk with your mother on this."

The Dark Knight takes the Lucky Girl and gently hugs her. Mouse sighs and stares at the new files with worry. The Fallen Angel knew what's on her sidekick's mind and kisses her forehead to ease the kitten thief's mind.

"I'm proud of you and Robin for getting these kids justice. As for the Titan, we got cures ready for victims and inmates at Star Labs." The Boy Wonder took off his hood from his head and wraps his arms around Mouse for a warm embrace. "Robin, Mouse, let's go home."

The Purple Cat followed the Black Bat on his trail and swung after him. The Red Bird flew and takes the Gray Mouse with him. The Lucky Girl takes out her white whip and let Robin swing around to catch up to their mentors.

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