So Much Wars

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Sheik sits in the library, Sasuke having taken him there before heading out for a team meeting, and reads through the tomes upon tomes, scrolls upon scrolls of history that spans the last 100 years regarding the world at large. He makes bullet notes to summarize them as simply as possible in his Purah Pad but also as detail oriented as possible without being too complicated.

He whistles, "Hylia, that's a lot of war for just a century,"

Kurama snorts inside him, "Typical. Humans cannot be trusted,"

Sheik huffs, "I have human blood, you know?"

Kurama hums, "You're different. Blood has nothing to do with it. You are like Link and Zelda,"

Sheik blushes, that is a tall praise coming from the Kyuubi. Sheik knows well that Kurama looks down on people because of how easily they turn their back on the same people they swore everything to. But going on that adventure with Link, Kurama admits that Link is the kind of people his father the Sage would respect. While Zelda is a symbol of unity, Link is the proof of that bond. That said, Kurama thinks very highly of both Princess and Hero. Both together reminds the old fox of the Sage.

Sheik puts away the 20th history book with the pile of preserved newspapers that he had dug up from the archive, eyes tired and stomach whining. Stretching his back, he starts to clean up his mess. Sheik is not much of a reader, really, but parts of the selection for Sheikah training was to sit and memorize the whole Sheikah Archive so that should they ever need it, they can properly guide the Hero and Princess. So Sheik had power through the torture through sheer stubbornness. He read the archive and memorized everything no matter how his head felt like splitting or snorting out blood from overworking his poor brain. So he's very proud of his ability to sit and read, even if that sounds silly to anyone who would listen to him.

Walking out of the library, he takes note just how much time had passed after Sasuke left him at the 24 hour library of Konoha. Unlike normal libraries, Konoha's cannot close their door just in case some poor sod have to read up some stuff before heading out for a mission that may or may not save their life. When Sheik found out about Hyrule Compendium, he was so happy until he realize that only Link can use the damn thing. In the end, he was stuck with good old dusty books in the Sheikah Archive.

Sheik still don't know Konoha as well as he would have with any other place. Had this been Hyrule and one of their settlements, Sheik would be in the gutter and the wells learning the ins and outs. But this isn't Hyrule and there are people here who have the same paranoia as a veteran Sheikah. Sheik does not want to stir that Courser Bee's nest. He's here for enlightenment, not to get caught and detained as their living weapon. So, he has to settle to going on a stroll and mapping the normal way. Or the civilian way, as these people would say.

He walks around, noting the many Shinobi doing their own things. He suspects that those working on odd jobs to be on the lowest rank, a Genin. Those in the administrative shifts should be the middle rank, a Chuunin. While those that has to lead or take on out of village missions will the high rank like Kakashi, a Jounin. However, he had read something about ANBU, that works a lot more like Sheikah, and the highest rank, the Kage. Or Hokage in Konoha's case. Sheik does not want to meet him.

He don't seem to be doing well leading Konoha. Not with how he handles cases like Sasuke and his clan. Sheik is good at reading hidden intent. It is one of the Sheikah skills that he has to learn and hone, especially now that the Princess is back, deciphering someone's intent when interacting with the Princess is especially important. So he suspects that there is bad blood between the leaders of Konoha and the Uchiha Clan. One which lead to a possible fall out that ended with the Uchiha's end. But these are just his theories.

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