The Secret To Peace

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Sheik sits in Sasuke's kitchen, grinding the ingredients for the tattoo that he's going to pin the boy with into a liquid consistency. Sasuke stares at the strange mixture warily, "Are you sure this is safe to put on my skin?"

Sheik corrects him, "It's not going to be on your skin, it's going to be in your skin," He looks at the paste, testing the consistency before huffing, "Need more spring water," Unfortunately for Kurama's concern, Sheik had to use one of the precious Fairy Tonic to make this as he has no Great Fairy Fountain's water to bind the ingredients. The young Sheikah continues to grind.

Sasuke sighs, looking at the Eye of Truth on Sheik's temple. After Sheik had gotten rid of Orochimaru's Cursed Seal, his head feels clearer and he can think straight instead of constantly thinking about getting power. He also notice how in that state, his mind kept going back to Orochimaru's offer for training. It was so tempting. However, now that his head is clear, he realized that those thoughts weren't normal. It was as if someone was whispering into his head. It felt like a mix of Genjutsu and hypnotism. It isn't a state that he will enjoy revisiting so soon. Like the Sheikah had pointed out, he felt like a slave with no mind of his own.

Especially knowing how Orochimaru only wants to steal his body so that he can use the Sharingan without any drawback like Kakashi, it makes the whole situation even creepier and even more violating. Is this how victims of molestation feels like?

Jiraiya looks at Sheik's 'ink' and writing down something in an unfamiliar system.

This is another shocking thing about Sheik. The boy is making friends everywhere he goes! Most of all, Jiraiya is apparently there to make sure that nothing goes wrong with Sasuke. He also takes note of everything Sheik does with what is apparently Hylian alphabets. Beside Sheik, and now Jiraiya, no one can decipher what he had written down. Sasuke wonders if Sheik will teach him too.

To be perfectly honest, Sasuke don't know why he feels so comfortable with Sheik. It feels like there is a connection between them that he simply can't explain. It isn't a crush, something that he had worried about since he wants to revive his clan, but it isn't simple curiosity either. He feels like he know Sheik but that makes little sense since he had never seen Sheik in his life. But most of all, there is this sense of closeness that he had almost forgotten. Something that he didn't even know he was missing until Sheik enters his home.

It did concerned him when he keeps seeking Sheik out but is just too easy to talk to Sheik. The boy never judge him for his desire for revenge. If anything, he is more concerned with how Sasuke will go around to do that. Most people he met will either avoid him because of his need for revenge or tells him to give it up and that it is wrong. Sheik does neither. Sheik instead tells him to find a way that will not leave him with nothing at the end of that journey. He helps Sasuke think beyond revenge, something that the Uchiha had never thought about. Nowadays, what he once think of as distraction feels like a reason to grow.

Sasuke asks, "Do you think I can be Sheikah too?"

Sheik stops to look at him with surprise. Even Jiraiya has his attention of the lone Uchiha.

Sasuke blushes. He don't know why he asks that. He feels that he is getting too greedy with Sheik. Just like he once did with...him. He quickly shakes his head, "Forget it,"

Sheik hums, "That will not be good considering that you want revenge. Also, you will have to give up being Uchiha if you want to join the Sheikah. Not to mention your faith in the Sage. I mean, we Sheikah are believers and followers of the Goddess Hylia. There is also the fact that you will have to proof your worth to the whole clan before being accepted as one of us and that means coming with me when I go back to Hyrule,"

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