Ancestor of the Shinobi

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Ino sits next to Sakura, "I finally get Asuma-sensei to let us join your training session!"

Sakura scowls at her rival, "It's not even an official training,"

Shikamaru flops next to Ino, Chouji sitting close by. The Nara looks at the sight before him and blink, " Sasuke losing?"

Before them, Sheik is facing both Sasuke and Sai. Sasuke uses as his skill in Taijutsu while Sai covers for him with his ink art. But no matter which angle they tries to take down the visiting Sheikah, Sheik always slips away and sneaks in attacks that they have a hard time blocking. It's like he has eyes on the back of his head. Whatever damage that Sai and Sasuke succeeds is miniscule.

Ino gawks, "No way. But it's Sasuke!"

Sakura sighs, "I know it's hard to take in, Ino. But Sheik apparently has experience saving his continent. Also, I tried reading up on Tenjin, or Hyrule. They have this weird pig like monsters that eat people. They are also very strong and quite smart since they can build camps, fortresses, and even armors of their own. Those pigs aren't the worse though. They also have skeletons coming out at night and a one eyed giant, all man eaters. Not only that, they have them with mastery over different elements! I read them up and I supposed I get why he won't want to have an opening," She sighs again, "Sasuke and Sai have no chance,"

Asuma appears, "I almost forgot about that. In fact, I'm not surprise that any Shinobi will have problem facing any Sheikah. A historical text goes that the first Shinobi learns from a Sheikah. Basically, the forefathers of Shinobi are the Sheikah Clan,"

Sakura looks at him with wide eyes, "Really?!"

He chuckles, pulling out a battered cigarette, "Well, I got curious so I start digging what text we have on the Sheikah Clan. Shinobi has only been around for over a thousand years. Sheikah's record goes as far back as 10 000 years. They seldom steps out of Tenjin but they come around the area now and then to learn about us and bring back to Tenjin. The story goes that the first Shinobi has no idea how to wield chakra properly and the traveling Sheikah helped them found their chakra points. Mind you, that technique has been lost to the ages. Also, rumor has it that Sheikah have long lives. Like, over a hundred years long,"

Shikamaru looks at him, "How come we never heard about them in our class?"

Asuma puffs out smoke rings before answering, "Because around a hundred years ago, the continent lost all contact with us. Leaders all over did try to make contact about 5 years after the sudden cut out but none return and the last letter from Tenjin said something about a big monster labeled the Calamity?"

Kakashi coughs, "Calamity Ganon. That's what Sheik calls it. He has a picture. Bigger than even the Kyuubi and apparently a hundred times meaner," He shudders, "He took that picture from all the way at his villager and you can still see it haunting the apparently central part of the land. It's a real beast. I'm not surprised that Tenjin had to go under lock down and that no one succeed in invading the country. Not with that as the thing you have to face to take over,"

Chouji's eyes widens at the description, "Bigger than the Kyuubi? But I heard the Kyuubi is as big as the Hokage Mountain!"

Kakashi nods, "He keeps record about the beast haunting the castle of the ruling family. Every time it almost break away, he will snap a photo. It doesn't matter from which corner of the continent he took it. You can see it. Big, mean, black and red. Face like a boar but body like snake, smokey like poison clouds,"

Sakura nods, "I can't imagine having to face that,"

Kakashi then adds, "Sheik also shared with me that it is also sentient and can learn. It is how their initial attempt to defend against it fail. It is aware enough to strategize and use their best weapons against them," He shakes his head, "The Sheikah Clan is a very smart clan. Their ancient counterparts created weapons that can contest against the Bijuu called the Divine Beasts. Their quality so good it last the ages. However, that beast Ganon apparently possessed it and slaughters their pilot before using their souls to control them,"

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