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*Sandy's POV*

"Glad I found you, huh?", I asked the wounded tiger, leaning on the mattress she laid on. "You are alive, right?" "Yeah... I-I'm alive...", the tiger said groggily, rubbing her bandaged leg with her paw.

"My name's Sandy, by the way. I'm a giraffe.", I introduced myself. "How 'bout you?" "My name is Catrina. I'm a tiger.", she answered. "The wolf you killed earlier while trying to save me... he was hypnotized by the Keepers to kill any animals that tried escaping the zoo. I'm glad you saved me, though."

"Don't mention it.", I replied. "Y'know, I've been planning on getting back at the zoo and the Keepers as well." "You are?", Catrina questioned. "They didn't do anything wrong, did they?"

I pressed my lips together and inhaled deeply. "Yes. They did. They did everything wrong.", I said bluntly. "They care about us OR see us as equals to them. Prove me wrong."

"You're right!", Catrina blurted out. "They don't have a SINGLE clue on how to treat us, let alone see us as living, breathing creatures and not just their puppets and playthings made for the humans' enjoyment!"

"So you in?", I ask.
"Yeah, I'm in.", she declared. "There's a special place in hell for people who do those things."
"Cool. Let's find some recruits while we're at it, too."


We both left the storage tower and trekked to the zoo, hoping to find animals willing to help us get revenge on the zoo and Keepers. Two guards stood in front of the entry, and of course, they had to be human guards.

"Keep watch for any onlookers.", I tell Catrina. She looked back at and and nodded in agreement, but then looked back for a second.

*Catrina's POV*

In a matter of seconds, I felt a sharp twinge wracking my entire body. "No... Not now...", I thought as two brownish-red lumps grew on my back as black goo seeped out when demonlike wings slowly and agonizingly sprouted out. I looked up at the Keeper guards with sinister bluish-grey eyes.

I stood up on my hind legs, ready to attack. "You holding up alright?", Sandy asked, grasping one of the guards with his tentacles. "Y-Yeah. But hurry up.", I tell him. The guard whimpered as she struggled in his grip. He squeezed with so much force, her body was sliced as though she were fleshy sushi.

Just as soon as I saw all the gore, I pounced on the other guard. I tore open with my claws, and crushed his chest while ripping his heart from his rib cage with my teeth. The guard coughed up some blood as he dropped to his knees, keeling over and dying.

"Not what I meant by 'keep watch', but I'm glad I got some backup.", Sandy thanked. "C'mon. Before any witnesses find out."

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