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   I can't still process what just happened. I grabbed my things for the next period and headed for the class, luckily it's AP English so that shouldn't be that hard....I hope.

  Once again I enter and the class goes silent. Seriously?
    I make my way to the back of the class and sit down on the same position I sat in calculus. Too bad Dennis is not here, he was actually fun though.
  Calculus was going slow and boring. Ughh I can't do this.

   I Started feeling sleepy because of course the class was boring. Normally AP English was one of my favorite subject but right now it bored the shit outta me. Maybe it's the teacher? I think it is because my former AP English teacher was the reason I fell in love with writing. Mr Smith. I'll never forget the impact that man gave to my academic life.

   It's not like I'm not academically strong, hell yeah I am. I'm a straight A's student but I only get straight A's for my parents not for me, it's like I'm a robot who doesn't know what she wants but does what she feels everyone else wants.

  "So class, remember the assignment is due Monday. I trust you guys will be okay with the date because the assignment makes up for quarter of your grades. Have a great day" the teacher who I don't know his name says. Fuck! I wasn't listening and how the hell did class go by so fast?. Thanks thoughts.

  I get my things and my empty notebook and leave the class.

♪♪ I've got problems. Who doesn't hope one day you'll learn to love the-♪♪
  I put my phone on silent. I forgot to mention, I've been ignoring someone since I've moved here. And I must say he's annoyingly persistent which I hate.

  I check my schedule and see it's time for chemistry. I don't think I'm going there.
  Missing one class won't hurt would it?

  I don't it think it will.
I look around to find somewhere quiet and after a while of getting lost in this large school I finally find the library.
  I mutter a greeting to the librarian and make my way to the back of the library at the other side of the shelves.

   I noticed the nice girl from calculus class that was trying to warn me at the back alone. Hmm I think I'm gonna go talk to her.

  I walk up to her and she lifts her head that was buried in her novel to look at me. She gives me a warm smile and motions towards the chair next to her for me to sit. I sit down and take out my ipad to open a nook.

  She sees it and smiles widely,
"You're a fan of novels as well?" She asks as she notices my collection of stories.

  "Yeah I am, I think it's an obsession at this point" I joke and we both laugh.

"Hi, my name is Isla, don't worry I know yours and by the way I must honestly give it to you for what you did to Layla back at calculus. She deserves it she's a bitch" she says and we chuckle.

"Yah I can tell, so what are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Probably the same reason why you're here, I'm skipping class. I'm not in the mood right now and today's been a long day already" she says marking her book with a bookmark.

"Same ugh, I like to go to my old school's library when I need to get alone time or to think. The back of the cafeteria is not a quiet spot trust me" I say and she giggles lightly.

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