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  In life you need to understand that you're either on your own or your supported and loved. In my case .... We're going with number one.

   I jolt out of bed and look around my room intensely before rushing to the toilet and staring at my reflection in the mirror. I could've sworn someone was watching me, they tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I could feel their intense gaze on me even when I was asleep.  It couldn't have been any of my family members, they're asleep.... Plus ever since that night I lock my door before I go to bed.

  "Maybe it's just my imagination" I say and chuckle then splash some water on my face. it's 2 in the morning and rain is pouring down like it wants to burst through the roof.
Might as well plan for the since I'm up I say in thoughts with a shrug.
    I took out my planner and was about to scribble down somethings I wanna do today ( yeah! I'm too organized, it's a habit hut idc).
   Then I heard a muffled voice. I turn on my lights completely to see and there was nothing.
"Hm" I said suspiciously then get back to what I was doing. Till someone started throwing light Peebles on my window. wtfh?
   I walk over to the window and saw Dennis wave at me cheekily like A FUCKING! THUNDERSTORM ISN'T POURING DOWN ON HIM RN!.
   I open the window and he hops in carefully so he doesn't soak the carpet.

  "Hi bestie" he says with a sweet grin.

   "Don't you hi bestie What Are You Doing here my TWO in the fucking morning!!" I I whisper yell.

"I came to check on you" he says with a shrug.

"Well now that you've seen I'm fine you can now leave" I say trying to push him but his rock hard body doesn't budge.

  "Aww you're kicking me out? I just got here, that's no way to treat a best friend" he says crossing his arms over his chest like a boy who his mom said no to when he asked for a star wars toy.

"How even find my house!? More so how did you get here?!?" I ask him actually curious because the rain is hailing down so harshly.

"To your first question, I know your brother and plus Derek said he saw you guys on his way to school, he lives just down the block. And to your second question, there's this gizmo that has four wheels? You know with a stirring wheel and four seats?ever heard of i—” " I know I know I'm not dumb I'm just curious" I interrupt him and look outside my window and there's no car there apart from Terese's and both my parents ( yeah I don't have a car yet...).

"There's no car out there Dennis....." I say raising my eyebrow suspiciously.

"Oh, um well..Ha- Harlan dropped me off..." He says trailing off and scratching the back hus head nervous about something. Oh well.

"Enough about me. What have you been up to and damn nice room by the way" he says changing the subject and fully entering my room and I just decide to go along and drop the topic.

"Thanks. Just woke up actually, I've been binge watching a new series call wolf pack. I can't wait for season 2" I say walking up to my dresser to pick up the remote.

"You're into the supernatural?" He asked staring at me intensely.

"Yeah..... I love vampires. I also believe that warlocks and fairies are real too call me a nerd or a creep idc. But I guess my best of it all are werewolves, I'm obsessed with Jacob in twilight " I say with a shrug looking away in other not to feel embarrassed.

  "That's actually cool, good to know" he says taking off his beanie.

  "I have a date, I was wondering if you could give me some tips?" He says and my eyes widened.

  "Oh my God! Spillllll! And leave no details out " I say grabbing his arm and squeezing it so tightly.

"Okay okay I'll tell you" he says chuckling.

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