Elena Who?

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''Oh. You are little.'' Donna said, walked around and bended down, so she was on eye's height with the girl.

''What's your name?''

''Hi, I'm Elena. You must be Donna. Where is Harvey?'' Her eyes were searching the room, looking for him. For the first time in her life, Donna wasn't the one who knew everything, it was the other way around. And she did not like it one bit, but it did impress her.

''Follow me. I'll bring you to him.''

She was actually annoyed with Harvey, bothering him with a child would be a good payback. Shouldn't have shouted at her yesterday. They walked through a long hall, walls made of glass with desks behind it, some were empty, some weren't. The next door led them through little offices with much more people, the walls of plastic instead of glass. These must be the associate's room, Elena thought, her eyes hurting from taking every detail in she saw. And finally, a door with a name tag came into view, it said: ''Harvey Specter'', dark grey letters that were underlined. She pulled at Donna's skirt, who turned around.

''Thank you very much, I know the way from here.''

Elena headed for the door and onna raised an eyebrow, bothered about the way she spoke to her. She crossed her arms and waited for it. Elena, standing in front of the door, saw the problem. The handle was too high. The brunette turned and was about to ask for Donna's help, until the door suddenly opened.

''Harvey!'' Elena cheered and jumped in his arms. Donna stopped grinning and got a confused look as Harvey threw her in the air and hugged her instead of telling the little brat to go play somewhere else, as she had expected. The redhead didn't like not knowing, she didn't at all.

Donna coughed, to let Harvey know she wanted an explanation and tapped with her left foot on the cold hard floor. Elena noticed the louboutin's she wore and her mouth dropped.

''Harvey-'' Elena started but was cut off by a short sharp 'no' from Harvey.


''No.'' He said again and shook his head. The girl pouted and looked at Donna, who gave her a confused look back.

''I'm completely in the dark here, Harvey, and I like the light. I do not at all like the dark.''

His secretary said. The senior partner sighed heavily and dropped his little sister to the floor.

''She wants your shoes,'' he explained, ''but she doesn't get Louboutins are not-''

''Made in my size, nor for my age.'', Elena finished, it was always the same. She sighed, staring at the black shoes. Every time she asked for it, he said the same sentence. But she didn't give up, she never would.

''That clears up one thing, now the other.'' Donna gave the girl a subtle glance.

''Elena, didn't you introduce yourself?'' Harvey looked angrily down at his sister who straightened her back, her hands folded behind it.

''Hi, I am Elena, Harvey's youngest and favourite sister. Nice to meet you.''

She put out her hand for Donna to shake, who was speechless for a second but shook Elena's hand anyway.

''It's still dark here, Harvey. How can I not know about your sister? And she said youngest, you have more than one? Why isn't it in your bio? And why-''

''Stop talking.'' Harvey simply held up his hand.

''Elena-''He wanted to tell her to wait for him in his office, but didn't see her anymore.

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