Chapter 01 Consequences of betrayals

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War it was now unavoidable, one ape had managed to shatter the fragile bond that was made between the humans and the apes;

Caesar and his tribe were worried about the upcoming war that was about to happen between them and the humans.

Caesar looked at his loyal followers who were ready to fight whenever he ordered it,

Blue eyes his oldest son looked back at his father's childhood friend and human sister Julia who was sitting by a creek.

Julia was Quietly loading her guns full of ammo, Blue eyes slowly approached her after seeing his parents go into their new gated ape home.

Blue eyes: {{signs}} Julia, My flower are you okay?" Blue eyes signed to his human friend,

Julia:{{Signs & Speaks}}" I am fine, Blue eyes I am just worrying about the next group of soldiers that they will bring here. I just want everyone to be well prepared for that," Julia said looking at the some of injured Apes; Some were bandaged up.

Other had gunshot wounds but luckily the bullets were straight through meaning it didn't hit anything fatal

Caesar came over with his wife Cornelia, Cornelius happily ran over to his older brother. Blue eyes smiles at his innocent baby brother,

Blue eyes picked up his baby brother. Cornelius cooed and squeaked, Blue eyes hooted at Cornelius in a silly way making the youngest ape prince give out an adorable way.

Caesar smiles at the sight of his two sons having fun despite the war that was happening,

But coming home to see his family having some peace and quiet were rare but he didn't mind it.

Hope:{{signs}}" mom, I missed you!" julia's ape daughter Hope signed She hugger her human mother, Julia giggled as She hugged her ape daughter back in the same manner;

Julia:" Oh My sweet child, I missed you too, I am glad you are alright." Julia said caressing Hope's cheeks lovingly, Hope rested her forehead against Julia's forehead.

Little bear Julia's Ape son came over to the two females. He hugged them happy to see his family was still okay, Julia looked at Caesar who was also watching the whole scene.

War for the planet of the Apes {{My version}} Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now