Chapter 02 the promise between friends

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Next day since the Soldiers from the north had attacked the apes, Many soldier lost their lives by the hands of the apes and their human friend Julia; But also some apes were injured during the ambush.

The apes were still uneasy and terrified by the humans sending more soldiers, Caesar was also worried about his family;

Caesar still remained strong for his family and his followers. Julia was sitting in the tall tree close to the apes home,

She was looking out for any soldiers who could be hiding among the trees or in the grass; Trying to pull off a sneak attack. 

But Julia had her bow and arrows, as well as her glock with a silencer ready just in case,

With julia was her pet sparrow who she name phoenix

Caesar was spending time with his youngest son Cornelius;

Blue eyes had left with his best friend little bear Julia's ape son who had worked hard to become Caesar second command,

Hope julia's Ape daughter was working alongside the Obas apes helping them stitch up the wounded apes using her human mother's method.

Rocket who was below the tree called out to Julia, Rocket: " Julia your daughter needs you" the older ape signed to his human friend,

Ever since Julia had saved Rocket's son ash after he was wounded Rocket had come to see Julia as a friend and not like the other humans.

Julia: Okay I am coming now Rocket, I'll  be right there." Julia signed to Rocket; Julia knew that there was a large lake below the tree where she was.

She had been teaching the apes how to swim, since sometimes the female apes and their Youngs would always try to swim but were afraid to try; 

Julia jumped from the tree. Rocket: " No, Julia not that way." Rocket said but it was too late as Julia had disappeared among the water,

Rocket: what a show off." Rocket said annoyed while pouting at Julia's silliness  which he and all the other apes of their tribe had grown accustomed to,

The apes had also grown accustomed to hope and little bear doing the same thing as their human mother.

Julia swam through the water, Rocket: " Julia, Julia are you okay? " He asked not getting a reply back while Rocket was looking right & Left for Julia all of the sudden Julia appeared she splashed water at Rocket.

Rocket wiped the water from his face, He pouted at Julia wiping the rest of the water from his eyes; 

Rocket: {{ speaks}} Don't you think we are getting a little old for these games of your Julia?" Rocket said to Julia

Instead of answering Rocket's question Julia splashed rocket even more causing him to laugh splashing her back  in the same way the two laughed happily

After playful moment between the two they got out of the water, unaware that the whole scene was being watched by Cornelia Caesar's wife and Caesar himself  she giggled at the sight of the two having fun.

Rocket:{{Signs}}" Okay that's  enough now Julia we need to get back to the tribe, Caesar is probably wondering where we are now. And I am not about to get In trouble with him cause you want to stay in lollygag all day." Rocket said shaking the extra water off of his fur, Julia covered her eyes

Julia:{{signs}} Fine you buzz kill, let's go I am getting hungry anyway and I miss my kids." Julia said getting on her horse who she named Emma, The two rode their horses to the ape tribe home,

{{Meanwhile at the ape new home}}

Julia and Rocket were greeted by Lucas a gorilla who hooted upon seeing them, Julia: {{signs}} Hi Lucas you look as handsome as ever. You really need to get a girl for yourself i bet they would love to have a hunk like you." Julia signed to the gorilla, Lucas smiled before signing back to Julia.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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