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Elena let out a sigh as she put the last bag in the truck.

After getting into the car, she took a deep breath. A part of her couldn't believe that she was doing this. That she was going to leave Mystic Falls. She's been in this town her entire life. Generations and generations of her family have lived here...

The other part of her, couldn't wait to leave. To be free. Away from this town and all the bad memories. Everyone she's known has died or been through something horrible.

Her parents died.
Matt lost Vicki.
Bonnie lost her grams.
Caroline became a vampire.
Isabelle died.
John and Jenna died.

All because she met Stefan and Damon.

Elena scoffs, as her grip on the wheel tightens.

Stefan and Damon Salvatore.

Because she had their ex-lovers face, they decided it was a good idea to come into her life. Interfer where they don't belong. If they hadn't done that, maybe her life, everyone's life, wouldn't have turned to shit.

(Yes, she would be dead. But everyone else would have been happy...)

She was a sixteen year old girl, who just lost her parents. She wasn't prepared for everything they threw at her. She wasn't prepared for the supernatural. She was a small human, surrounded by predators and creatures stronger than her.

Stefan and Damon were in their hundreds, they were older and had so much more experience. Shouldn't they have known that nothing good would come from inserting themselves into the life of a human? Look at what Katherine did to them...

Did they just not care?

She couldn't understand why they didn't walk away. Why would they want to see the face of their ex-lover? The same lover that turned them against each other, caused them so much grief, and made them vampires.

Were they that obsessed with Katherine? With having the version of her they wanted? The nice and caring girl they thought Katherine was.

Elena let out a wet laugh.

She's always going to be a replacement for Katherine, isn't she?

She's always going to be known as a Doppelganger. Not as herself.

That was her fate.

Despite putting a lot of the blame on Stefan and Damon, Elena knows that she's also to blame..

The moment she found out what Stefan was, she should have ran for the hills. She should have ran and never looked back. It would have saved her and everyone else so much heartbreak.

Looking back, she supposed that she didn't becuase she wanted something good to happen in her life. The first few days of knowing Stefan, he made her feel alive. He made her feel like she could overcome the death of her parents.

She was selfish.

She didn't think about how a vampire could affect the lives of her friends or the town. All she thought about was how happy Stefan made her.

If she had known what the happiness would lead to...

Elena wiped the tear that was falling down her cheek. There's no point in thinking about what happened, she can't change it. No matter how much she wished she could.

She has to move forward. He would want her to.

Elena let out a small smile when she passed the "Leaving Mystic Falls" sign. "There's no turning back." She muttered to herself as she drove down the road.


AN: Someone had previously commented that they didn't like the fact that Elena was putting all the blame on the Salvatores and without them, she would be dead.

I thought it was clear.

But in case it wasn't:

Elena puts blame on the Salvatores and herself. She is basically saying that the Salvatores were the starting point. That after finding out what Stefan was, she should have ran or told him to leave. And after she met them, everything went wrong.  She knows without them she would have died and we all know she would have preferred that over her loved ones being harmed in any way. In the show, she literally tried multiple times to give herself up to Klaus.

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