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Elena woke up with a groan. She was quick to press her fingers to her forehead, trying to alivate the pounding pressure. "What the hell?" She muttered, not remembering what happened.

"Awake, darling?" A familiar sounding voice asked.

Elena turned and then blinked through blurry eyes. It took a moment for her vision to clear but once it did, she easily recognized the person in front of her. "Lucifer?" She asked, her tone confused.

"The one and only." He said with a smirk. "Tell me, do you remember what happened last night?"

Elena frowned, "What are you talking—"

Suddenly, a few memories from last night came back to her.


"Now, what would you recommend I drink?" Elena asked after taking her hand back.

Lucifer smiled. "How about you try something of my own invention?"

Elena blinked, not expecting that. "Sure, what do I have to lose?" She said after a minute and ignored Lucifer's look of amusement.

A few minutes later

Elena let out a laugh when Lucifer fell off of the bar .  He had been dancing and swung his body a bit too much.

But she soon got her karma when she  somehow bumped into Lucifer's piano and tripped.


To Lucifer's amusement, Elena had been dancing with every person she came across.

She was currently dacing with a pretty little brunette. Their hands on each other's hips as they shook their body to the blasting music.


Elena slumped her body againt Lucifer. "You have no right being so pretty." She told him and then blinked, "I am so going to regret saying that later."

Lucifer laughed.


"I'm gonna go make out with that guy over there." Elena declared to Lucifer as she pointed across the club.

"Any particular reason on why you chose him?" Lucifer asked, curious.

"He has pretty blue hair." Elena answered in a 'duh' tone.


"I'm gonna go to sleep now." Elena told Lucifer and didn't wait for a response as she walked over to his couch and laid down.


Elena grimaced a bit as she remembered what she did last night. "I don't even want to know what else I did."

"How strong was that drink?" She asked herself, glad that she was a vampire or else she would have been blushing in embarrassment.

"Very strong." Lucifer said with a chuckle.

Elena got up off the couch and then noticed that she and Lucifer were the only ones here.

"You let me stay? Why?" She asked, confused.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "Do I need to have a reason?"

Elena raised an eyebrow right back. "Yes. You don't seem like the type to just do favors for people without getting anything in return." She said, making Lucifer smirk.

"You’re a clever little thing." He complimented and Elena ignored the feeling of wanting to blush and smile.

"I suppose you could call it a deal." Lucifer said, seemingly amused with himself. "It’s obvious that you're new to town so I'm going to let you stay here as your place of residence."

"And what did you want in return?" Elena asked as she eyed him.

"You work in the bar." Lucifer responded.

Elena blinked, expecting everything but that. "That's it?"

"That's it." Lucifer confirmed.

Elena narrowed her eyes. "That can't be it." She said.

Lucifer had to hold in his chuckles. "Most humans— Most creatures— would have agreed."

"Well, it is." Lucifer stated but Elena continued to stare at him.

"So I would live here?" She asked.

Lucifer nodded, "Yes. I have multiple floors. Pick whichever one you want." He said with a wave of his hands.

Elena paused, "I'd have a whole floor to myself?"

Lucifer chuckled, "Of course, darling."

Elena decided to move past that. "Would I need a uniform?"

Lucifer shook his head. "Wear whatever you want. I don't dictate that."

"How much money would I be making?" She asked.

"How much do you want?" He countered.

"I don't think that's legal." She pointed out.

Lucier shrugged.  "Any more questions?"

"Uh — no." Elena said.

"Great, do we have a deal?" Lucifer asked as he held out his hand.

Elena looked at the hand in front of her and had a feeling that this would be the start of something— she just didn't know if it would be good or bad.

She took his hand. "We have a deal."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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