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Elena let out a laugh and a cheer when she saw the "Welcome to Los Angeles" sign.

A few minutes after leaving Mystic Falls, she realized she didn't know where she wanted to go. Although, she wasn't that bothered by it. She just shrugged her shoulders and decided to keep driving until a place felt right.

She had lots of fun traveling to different places. It was nice not being trapped in Mystic Falls, where supernatural drama and misery was a day to day occurrence.

Since she didn't have any money (And she refused to touch her parents savings) she would go to hotels and offer to work there in exchange for a room. If needed, she would find places that were understaffed and work there.

(She could have used compulsion. It would have been so easy. A few words and she would of had a free bed and as much money as she wanted.

But she didn't want to take away their choice. Not like how Stefan and Damon have done to her and many others.)

Elena suddenly stopped the car and looked at the building in front of her.


It was clearly a club.

She could see people waiting in line. Others were leaning up against the building, drinking or smoking. The blasting music could even be heard from outside.

Elena had never been the type of person to drink and party. She always preferred to stay inside, under her warm blankets, and read a good book.

But there was something about the club that made her want to enter.

"I guess I really need a drink." Elena said to herself as she got out of her car.

She got in line and it wasn't long before she was at the front.

The bouncer eyed her up and down, "You can enter." He said, his voice rough.

Elena blinked in surprise. "You aren't going to ask me for ID?" She questioned.

The bouncer laughed as if she said a funny joke. "You must be new here." He said. Seeing her frown, the bouncer spoke, "We don't do ID'S. I'm just here to check to see if you have any weapons. You can head in." He explained.

"Weird." Elena muttered before walking into the club.


Lucifer chuckled as he watched Maze flirt with a guy at the bar. "Poor sap." He said to himself, amused. "He definitely won't be waking up tomorrow." He chuckled again before playing the keys of his piano. The beautiful melody somehow being heard throughout the club.

His thoughts then drifted to the detective he met the other day. "There was something about her..."

He was disrupted by a feeling coming over him. He frowned, "What was that?" He questioned, never having felt that before. "Is dear old dad finally going to end me?" He  thought, sarcastically.

He then glanced up and froze. "A Doppelganger." He grinned with interest. "Been a long time since I've seen one of those."

"I wonder..." He began before getting up.


Elena walked in the club and was amazed.
"This definitely wasn't what I was expecting." She thought as she glanced around. The interior was beautiful and fancy. "Whoever owns this place has good taste."

She walked towards the bar and sat on a stool.

The bar tender looked at her, "What would you like?"

"Could I have some water, please?" Elena politely asked and then heard a chuckle from behind her.

"Really? You come to a bar and decide to drink water?"

Elena turned and saw a man standing there with a smirk on his face. He was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. And his entire presence seemed to scream power.

"Well, I'm not much of a drinker." She responded.

"I could always recommend something. I have lots of experience drinking. As if I've been doing it for centuries." The unknown man said, cleary amused. It seemed as if the man's words had a double meaning but Elena ignored it.

"I don't even know you." Elena pointed out.

The man chuckled. "Lucifer Morningstar at your service."

Elena raised an eyebrow, "Like the devil?"

"The one and only." The man— Lucifer responded.

And something in her told her that he wasn't joking.

But despite that, Elena smiled at him. "Nice to meet you, Lucifer Morningstar. I'm Elena Gilbert." Elena held out her hand and then blinked in surprise when Lucifer turned it over and placed a kiss on it.

"Why do tall, dark, and handsome men keep doing that?" Elena thought, bewildered.

"Pleasure to meet you, darling." He said, a devilish smirk on his face and for a second Elena thought she saw a monstrous burned face.

But then the image was gone.

Elena shook her head, chalking it up to exhaustion. Ignoring the fact that vampires don't experience exhaustion the way humans do.

"Now, what would you recommend I  drink?" Elena asked after taking her hand back.

The look on Lucifer's face made a part of her regret this.

But that was the old part. The part that had been an innocent little girl. That part was the one who loved and lost. 

The other part— the new one, who made herself stronger, who decided that enough was enough, and that she would be taking her life back — was looking forward to whatever he had planned.

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