Tending to the yard & the garden

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Desiree, Dez for short, was in the zone. There was not a thought in her head as she methodically blew leaves across the yard of the two-story house behind her. This, along with every other aspect of lawn care, was her happy place. She could do it for hours without complaint. The drone of the lawn equipment, and the smell of gasoline put her in such a pleasant headspace. Having professional grade ear muffs to block out all other sounds but that of the motor strapped to her back did wonders at getting her there as well. Her mom always told her that she was such an easy baby compared to her other siblings, and she guessed some things never changed.
Dez did one final sweeping motion to blow the leaves into a pile, and then let go of the trigger so the rumbling of the blower died down some. That was when she heard it.
“Excuse me!”
Dez turned around to see a woman not much older than her 25 years of age waving her hand to get Dez's attention. She stopped waving and held up her other hand to show the drink she had. Normally Dez would have waved away the offer without bothering to even remove her ear muffs, but there was no way she was going to miss the opportunity to talk to this woman–she was hot.
Dez slid her ear muffs down to sit around her neck and felt her lips spread into an easy grin. She knew her dimples were on full display. “Hey, is that for me?”
The woman with long wavy brown hair, and big blue eyes matched her grin. And wouldn't you know it, she had dimples too. “If you’d like it. I saw you out here sweating, and I couldn't not offer you a drink. My momma would have had my hide.”
The country twang almost did Dez in. She herself was born and raised in the south, but barely had an accent because of her mom being from the north and nearly stripping Dez and her siblings of any country drawl. Dez loved the sound of one coming from a feminine voice. It was sweeter than ice tea. She shut the motor off on the blower so they wouldn't have to raise their voices.
“Well, we wouldn't want that,” Dez said easily. She reached out for the bottle of Minute Maid lemonade. It was early fall and the weather hadn't caught up to the change of season yet, so it was still hot. Hot enough that Dez had a cooler full of ice cold drinks in the backseat of her truck, but the pretty lady didn't need to know that. Their fingers touched as the bottle was exchanged, and Dez wondered if the woman felt the same zing across her skin.
Dez flashed another smile before twisting the cap off and tipping her head back to take a few gulps. She smacked her lips once she was done drinking. “That hit the spot, thank you.”
They locked eyes for a couple of beats before the woman's baby blues dropped to Dez's lips, and then darted back up.
Oh, she wants me, Dez thought, a thrill shooting through her. She let her gaze wander down the woman's body, lingering on her chest where her low cut top left little to the imagination. Dez had the urge to tug at her collar as a wave of heat rolled down her spine at the visual. Dez liked thick women. Thicc with two “C's”. Ass, titties, belly, and thighs. She wanted there to be a real risk of being smothered whenever they sat on her. Ol' girl in front of her had three out of four, and Dez was feeling it. She was short too, at least four inches shorter than Dez's 5’7. Another point in her favor.
“You're welcome, Miss…?”
“You can call me Dez. And you are?”
“Charlotte. Like the book.”
I'd get caught in your web any day, Dez thought, not bothering to conceal the lust in her eyes as she lazily trailed them back up to meet Charlotte's. What she saw there confirmed her suspicion, and reignited her thirst. Because Charlotte was just as thirsty as she was.
“I've never read the book, but I loved the movie as a kid,” Dez said huskily. Her mind was on the opposite spectrum of children's books and movies. More mature themes. XXX-rated.
“My momma would read it to me as a youngin and, um…” Charlotte must have lost her train of thought. Her eyes drifted off course and she was now ogling Dez's exposed abs while Dez used the hem of her shirt to wipe away some sweat. It was an awkward move to make on Dez's part because of the straps of the blower holding her shirt in place, but totally worth it once she caught sight of Charlotte's desire.
She let her shirt fall back into place, never taking her eyes off of the other woman. Time to shoot my shot.
“Thanks again for the drink, but it seemed to have run right through me. Would you mind if I–”
“Would you like to come in?” Charlotte blurted, interrupting the rest of what Dez was going to say. “I'm sorry. What were you sayin’?”
Dez took a step closer to Charlotte. There was still an appropriate amount of space between them, but that one step was enough for Charlotte to visibly swallow. “Can I use your bathroom?”
Charlotte nodded eagerly.
“Let me just put my equipment away real quick. I'll be right back.” As she did just that, Dez psyched herself up for what was about to take place. There was no way they weren't about to have sex. This wasn't a normal occurrence for Dez, having sex with a virtual stranger, especially at work. Thankfully this was a family run business and her dad would never fire her. If he found out she fucked the neighbor of one of their clients he wouldn't be happy, but really he’d just be grateful it wasn't actually one of their clients. Dez had had a few one night stands, but it wasn't her go to method for scratching an itch. Her friends liked to tease her about being a serial monogamous. Dez resented the term because it implied that she jumped from one relationship to another as soon as the last one ended. In reality, she'd just been lucky enough to have connected amazingly with her rebounds. For a few months at least. Now she'd been single longer than any one of her relationships have lasted, and since she didn't do a lot of hooking up she'd also been celibate for just as long. For anyone else, being celibate for nearly a year might have been tortuous, but Dez had been taking it in stride. She liked being single more than she needed someone to get her off, and even if that wasn't the case she hadn't found anyone who tickled her fancy, so to speak.
But Charlotte did. Charlotte tickled her so much it was bordering on uncomfortable.
Dez made sure she locked her truck up tight before heading back over to Charlotte, who was still standing in the same place she left her.
“Lead the way,” Dez said once they were close enough. It was the perfect excuse to get a good look at the entire package, and Dez was not disappointed. She nearly stumbled as she kept her eyes on Charlotte's ass the whole way to the door. Four out of four, I am a fucking goner.
They walked inside. “Uh, the bathroom on the first floor is just down that hall on the right.” Charlotte was facing her, but refused to meet her eyes while gesturing in the direction of the bathroom.
“Alright, I'll only be a few minutes. Thanks.” Dez really didn't need to use the bathroom, but she wanted to at least wash her hands. Charlotte wasn't giving her the same energy as before, and if the tides have turned, Dez wasn't planning on pushing the issue. If her dad found out she came onto the neighbor of one of their clients and the woman wasn't receptive, or worse, he might fire her for that. Not worth the risk.
In the bathroom, she splashed some water on her face after washing her hands. She stared at herself in the mirror, taking in her dark brown eyes and full lips. Droplets trailed down her cheeks and dripped off her chin. She found some napkins to use to dry her hands and face, silently telling her body to save all of the arousal for later when she was home. Dez had just tossed the paper towels in the wastebasket when the bathroom door opened.
“I–” Charlotte started, and then shook her head. She closed the distance between them in two strides and wrapped her hand around the back of Dez's neck. There was no resistance on Dez's part, but Charlotte wasn't pulling her in. She only held her like that and stared into her eyes.
Dez raised her eyebrows, waiting. Charlotte's nails lightly scratched the back of her neck and her eyes went half mast.
“Shit, woman. You are being awfully forward. You don't know me.” Dez said, but she wasn't complaining.
Charlotte said nothing. Her nostrils flared and she pressed closer.
Dez liked how dilated Charlotte's pupils were. She loved the way she felt pressed against her. Dez leaned down and her lips brushed across Charlotte's ear. “Do you want me to fuck you? You do, don't you?”
It was very possible that Dez was channeling all of her porno knowledge at that moment. And if her clit wasn't fully invested she would be a little embarrassed by her actions. As it were, her brain only had the capacity to delight in the way Charlotte moaned her acquiescence against her shirt. Dez didn't waste any time. She grabbed Charlotte's hip and maneuvered them around so her back was pressed to the wall. Then she kissed her. First a gentle glide of her lips, and then firmer contact when Charlotte gasped.
God, she missed kissing someone.
It was quickly dawning on her how much she'd been missing the last year being celibate. She could touch herself all she wanted, but what about touching someone else? What about feeling them cum on your fingers or tongue? Tasting the desire on their lips? Suddenly, that was all Dez wanted. She stroked Charlotte's bottom lip with her tongue until she let her in, then she deepened the kiss even further. Charlotte's nails dug into her neck with desperation, and Dez fed off of that like she hadn't eaten in days. The hand not clutching at Charlotte's hip palmed her breast through her shirt. It was more than a handful, maybe more than two. Dez was living for it.
“Fuck, you feel so good. I love a woman with so much to hold onto.” Her words were groaned into Charlotte's throat as she feathered kisses up and down it. Charlotte arched to give her better access.
“I love the way you touch me,” Charlotte whisper-gasped.
Plenty more where that came from, baby. Dez slid her hand from Charlotte’s hip to the button on her jean shorts and popped it. Each click of the zipper was like a shot of adrenaline to Dez’s veins as she eased it down. There were no protests from the other woman, if anything she spread her legs for Dez. She pulled away from Charlotte’s neck to look down at her face. Her cheeks were flushed a pretty pink and her blue eyes opened to stare up at her. The intimacy of the encounter rose as they gazed at each other. The air pulsated with passion, every ragged breath a draw of desire and connection. Charlotte’s eyelids fluttered as Dez’s hand slipped into her underwear. Her fingers grazed silky pubic hair and the magnitude of the situation she found herself in pressed down on her.
I'm really about to have sex with this woman.

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