Sex is Better with Friendship

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Dez shifted in the driver's seat of her work truck. She was painfully aroused and she hadn't even made it to lunch yet. Somehow her text conversation with Charlotte had devolved from casual talk about their day and how they were living life in general, to sex.
It had been two days.
Dez was here for it, no doubt, it just had the unfortunate side effect of turning her on an awful lot.
Charlotte's most recent message was what took her over the edge. Dez had gotten into how kinky her last girlfriend was, how she enjoyed being held down and fucked hard. Dez admitted to that being the hottest sex she'd ever had, but she wasn't sure if it was because of the roughness or despite it. That was when Charlotte divulged what she liked in bed. Completely unprompted.
“I like to be talked dirty to. Praise gets me going too. Oh, and being taken from behind has to be my favorite position. I love the feel of the other person's body pressing against my back while they're sliding in deep.” The message wasn't a voice message, which might have been the only thing keeping Dez sane after finding out this information.
“Have you ever been eaten out from behind?” Not quite sane enough to hold that question in.
Dez was on the edge of her seat waiting for Charlotte's response, when someone knocked on her truck window. She turned to look and forced a smile on her lips as she rolled the window down.
“Hi, sorry to bother you. I was just wondering how much you guys charge for hedge trimming? The HOA is on my ass to get mine cleaned up, but I never have time to do it myself. Barely have time to call a lawn care service, which is why I decided to come out here and ask you.” The man was in his 40s,  graying sideburns and crooked nose were the features that stood out to Dez. She caught maybe 20% of what he said.
“Hedge trimming?” She asked.
“Yes, how much do you guys normally charge?”
Dez sat her phone face down in the middle console and sucked her teeth in thought. “You can find our rates online and even schedule an appointment there as well, but we usually charge a flat rate of eighty bucks an hour if you're just getting the trimming done. We have packages though that could save you money. Which house is yours?”
The guy pointed across the street and Dez scanned his yard. “Let me give you my card. I can hook you up with a great deal on taking care of those leaves, trimming your hedges, and we do gutter cleaning. It would save you money rather than just getting the hedges done.”
Dez pulled a card out of her glove compartment and handed it to the man. It had her work number on it–different from her personal one, but on the same phone. Got to love that dual sims.
“That's great. Thanks.” The man held up the card in farewell. Dez nodded.
She picked her phone back up to find Charlotte had responded.
“No… Have you?”
Dez's pussy throbbed and she licked her lips. “I'm usually the one on top, if you can believe that,” she added a winking emoji. “But I've given a few women the pleasure before.”
I could give you that pleasure.
“Lucky women.” That was it. Charlotte then changed the subject. “How's work?”
Dez growled softly in frustration at the subject change. It was a blissful torture having such a sexually charged conversation with someone who was off-limits. Not only did it make it hotter, but Dez almost didn't even mind the fact that she couldn't have her.
Yeah right.
“Work is work. More blowing leaves all day. I might have snagged a hedge trimming job though. My dad would be so proud.” Speaking of her dad, she should really get out of her truck and actually start blowing leaves. Dez waited a few seconds to see if Charlotte was going to reply, and when she didn't Dez shrugged and hopped out of her truck.
Her day flew by as she got into the zone. When lunch time came around she went to Mickey D’s and grabbed a couple of double cheese burgers and some fries. Charlotte still hadn’t texted her back by that point, so Dez decided to do the cursed double text.
“How's your day going?” She bit into her first burger.
“Boring! Blowing leaves sounds horrible, but still more fun than how my day has been going.” Charlotte had to have been dramatizing a bit.
“Is that so? What do you do for work?”
“...I don't right now. But today is making me think maybe I should go back.”
Dez let her burger hang between her teeth as she replied. Why did the idea of Charlotte being a housewife give her a jolt of excitement? Probably because she watched too much porn.
“Do you wanna hang out after I get out of work? I only suggested the weekend before because I thought you worked. Have you thought about what you wanna do?”
Too eager. Abort! Abort! Too bad she already sent it.
Charlotte's response this time came slower than the others. Dez forced herself to focus on her food and not her phone.
“Sure. Do you wanna go to the park? I've been trying to be more active to lose weight.”
Dez had to physically bite her tongue to keep from typing the first thought that came to mind. She wanted to tell Charlotte that she was sexy as hell and didn't need to lose an ounce.
“I haven't been to the park in years.” Dez texted. Out loud she asked herself, “and do I wanna go to the park after work?”
Her normal after work routine was a beer or two (definitely her dad's daughter) and playing video games. Unless it was a weekend night, then she probably had plans with her friends. She wasn't sure she was up for walking around outside after she had already done just that the entire work day.
“Ugh,” Dez groaned. She wanted to make a counter offer of just hanging out at her place, but there was no way that would fly. Neither one of them had brought up their fateful first meeting, and with their budding friendship it felt forbidden to bring it up at all now. But it was a giant white elephant and suggesting such an intimate setting would draw even more attention to it.
A voice message from Charlotte popped up on her phone, cutting through Dez's spiraling thoughts. “It'll be fun! You could be my workout buddy. Help me stay consistent… stretch me out, maybe.”
Dez almost choked on her fries. Her mind immediately went back to what Charlotte revealed about being taken from behind. Dez was very interested in stretching the woman out in that way. But no, she was off limits. Didn't matter that she very obviously wanted Dez, or that the sex between them had the potential to cause forest fires. It was that reason Dez decided to text back:
“Actually, I forgot I have to run some errands after work today.” It was a short term solution to a much bigger problem, because now that they were trying to be friends she couldn't just make excuses all the time not to see her. That would completely defeat the purpose of trying to be friends.
That’s why you shouldn’t be trying to be friends.
“No worries, just let me know the next time you’re free.” Charlotte texted back not a moment later.
Dez nodded to herself, and let the conversation end there. She then went to the group chat she had with her friends.
“I hate to admit it… but maybe Erin was right.”
“Usually am. What about though?” Erin replied.
Hex hopped in before Dez could explain. “Prbly about the sex thing. You only ever talk about sex.”
“And women,” Carmen jumped in.
“They go hand-in-hand.” Erin threw out an emoji with its eyes shut and tongue out.
Byron came in strong with all caps. “DOES THIS MEAN I GET MY WINGMAN BACK?!”
Dez laughed to herself. “Only if you ask nicely.”
“Tonight?” Byron asked quickly, if not nicely. Out of all their friends he was the only one who had flexible hours. He never chose to wake up early and had most nights free. He did food delivery.
Dez often took advantage of the fact that she worked for her dad and as long as she got her work done by the end of the day he didn’t care what time she started working.
“Somebody’s eager,” Hex quipped.
“He’s been crashing and burning every time he’s tried to bag anyone on his own.” Erin loved her emojis, and sent a chain of skulls to indicate how dead she was.
Byron countered with a shrugging emoji. “I’m not ashamed to admit that Dez would reel them in with her dimples and charm, and whichever one she didn’t get got me.”
Everyone started responding at once.
“That is extremely sad.” Erin.
“Are you saying you are just as sexless as Dez right now? But unintentionally?” Carmen.
“Dude, I think you just like hanging out with Dez because I offered to be your wingperson many times.” Hex.
Dez ignored it all.
“Tonight,” she confirmed. “We’re fucking it up, homie.”
She needed to get laid so she could be friends with Charlotte.

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