Girls, Girls, Girls

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It was ladies night at the club they chose to go to. That wasn't intentional, but if Dez was looking for a sign it was a hell of one. She went for style and comfort tonight with an overpriced red t-shirt that felt like butter on her skin, and her favorite pair of Guess jeans that she let ride low on her hips to show off the band of her boi shorts whenever she lifted her arms. She'd rep Woxer whenever given the chance. Drinks were half off for all the ladies, and the women outnumbered the men three to one. It was a beautiful sight to behold, and Dez was grinning as she threw her arm around Byron and shouted in his ear:
“Let's get some drinks, and then see if we can't find some gorgeous women to give the time of their lives!”
So that was what they did. Dancing with women, buying them drinks, and chatting them up. It was hours of this, but it took Dez only like thirty minutes for her to realize she wasn’t going to get laid. She kept up the charade for her friend’s sake, and when she caught sight of him making out with a chick near the bathrooms she gave herself a mental pat on the back. She then saddled up to the bar and ordered another beer. Dez had a problem. Within half an hour of scooping the place out for a bed partner she discovered it. And once she did she knew she’d been in denial the last few days. Because she was stuck. Without even getting a full taste of the pussy, she was whipped. This had happened every time she hooked up with a woman, which was why she always ended up dating them. Once she was intimate with them she had a hard time seeing anyone else. She did a lot of comparing and no one ever lived up to the woman who she last had sex with. The  few times she hadn’t committed to the person she fucked was because they only wanted sex, and she had to respect that. It was insane, really, and her friends didn’t know that that was the reason she was a serial monogamous, and why she was currently single and celibate.
Her beer arrived and she sipped it as she scrolled through her phone. They were asking for updates in the group chat, so she let them know that the night was so far a success.
“Our boy is playing tonsil tennis right now.”
She then went to the text thread with Charlotte, but hesitated in typing anything.
You can’t have her, Dez. You should be trying to forget the taste of her lips right now. Dez ran her tongue across her teeth. She’s probably straight and was doing a little dabbling the other day. I can’t fall for a straight girl.
Dez took a gulp of her beer and typed her question with one hand: “Are you straight?”
She stared at her phone for a full ten seconds, and was about to swipe away when Charlotte’s reply came through. “Are you drunk?”
Dez laughed out loud and shook her head. “If I say I am, would you answer honestly?”
“Your current state of sobriety wouldn’t change my answer, no.”
“So?” Dez asked.
Charlotte took her time answering. By time it came Dez was nearly done with her beer. “I’m not gay, but…”
Dez didn’t reply, just waited for her to continue.
“...I don’t regret what we did the other day.”
“No? Me either.” That was sort of a lie because Dez did regret what they did for no other reason than it had ruined her for anyone else for the time being. Maybe until she properly fucked Charlotte and got her out of her system. Something that might never happen. “The things I would have done to you, baby if you had let me–” She backspaced all of that away when Charlotte replied.
“It can’t happen again, of course. I hope you are okay with that and are cool with being friends.”
Why? She wanted to ask. Why couldn’t they just let the good feelings prevail, fuck the consequences? Sure she was married, but she had already gone so far in the bathroom, so what was the harm in taking it all the way? Dez was feeling a little feverish. The stifling heat of the club, and the unsatisfied desire pooling in her belly was causing her to overheat. She wasn’t thinking straight, but what was wrong with that, really?
She decided to cut the conversation there, and ordered one last beer. She searched the room for Byron, and locked eyes with him as he made his way over to her, hand holding onto some chick.
“Hey bro, I think I’m going to head out now,” he said once they were close enough to hear each other. Then he leaned in close to Dez’s ears. “I’m gonna show her my array of silicone cocks.”
“Good for you, bro,” Dez said with a laugh. They dapped each other up in farewell, and Dez watched them weave through the crowd until she couldn’t see them anymore. Not being able to help herself, she went back to the text thread with Charlotte and reread what she wrote. “I am cool with being friends.”
“I heard black butches have a strap game like no other.” The elicit words were whispered in Dez’s ear in a sultry tone. She couldn’t suppress the shiver that ran through her.
She turned her head to see a woman she had to look up to meet the eyes of. She had fair skin and piercing eyes that Dez thought might have been a dark blue. Dez’s clit twinged at the naughty smile on the woman’s lips, and she matched it with one of her own. She loved it when a woman made it clear about what she wanted.
“It seems to me that you wanna find out for yourself.” Dez said, licking her lips. She ignored the way her mind immediately latched onto the fact that this woman was taller than her, not shorter, how she was more lanky than thicc, and how her accent didn’t have that slow drawl Charlotte’s did. No sweet ice tea here, only heat and hunger. It was what Dez needed. What she needed to need. “Let me buy you a drink.”
The woman held up the one in her hand. “I’m good for now, but once we both finish up maybe we can get out of here? I am very curious to see if it’s true.”
Dez tipped her still full pint to her lips and drained half of it. The woman’s eyes were wide at the display. Dez only grinned. “I’m Desiree, but you can call me Dez.”
“Callie,” they tapped glasses. “Nice to meet you, Dez.”
“Likewise, Callie.”

Dez rolled her hips up into Callie’s face. Her fists were clenched around her sheets, eyes screwed shut and breaths sawing in and out of her chest. Her hips jolted once, twice, three times as each wave hit causing her to groan loudly up at the ceiling. Callie continued to suckle at her clit softly, and Dez twitched at the ministrations. She was spent. She had cum once while fucking Callie, and then was brought right back to the brink by the time Callie had her fill. Callie had tested Dez’s stamina, making her feel like she had something to prove after the way she approached her. And Callie wanted it rough. Hard and fast, proclaiming loudly while Dez plowed her that she “wanted the feel of her cock to haunt her all day tomorrow”. It was all the encouragement Dez needed to really put her back into it.
Callie kissed her twitching, sweat coated abs, licking between her breasts before propping herself over Dez’s heaving form. “You are delicious.”
“I was happy to have you indulge.” Dez blinked her eyes open and gave a lazy grin.
“I’m sorry about your sheets–” Callie started, a blush clear even in the mostly dark room.
But Dez shook her head. “I should be thanking you; who wouldn’t want a beautiful woman cumming all over their bed?”
Callie’s eyes looked to be sparkling. “You are too sweet. You fuck hard, but then have such pretty words. I can’t believe for a second that you are actually on the market. What’s really going on? You’re a player because the love of your life broke your heart? Or are you pining after someone unattainable?”
Dez tried not to choke on her laugh. She hit that right on the nose, but Dez wasn’t about to reveal anything. “I could tell you, but I like to keep the mystery alive on the first night.”
“First night?” Callie questioned, leaning down and kissing Dez’s lips.
Dez kissed her back, getting swept up in the taste of herself on Callie’s lips. When they broke apart they were both breathing hard. Dez cleared her throat. “Well, if I’ve lived up to your expectations–”
“Exceeded them,” Callie interrupted.
“Since I exceeded your expectations, I was hoping we could exchange numbers and maybe get together again.” Dez tried her hardest not to show how desperate she was for this. Her friends (Erin mostly) wouldn’t have anything to say if she was actively fucking someone, and Callie would be the perfect person to keep her head when interacting with Charlotte. Maybe she’d even start pining after Callie instead and the whole issue would be null.
“I want to say ‘yes’,” Callie mumbled. A few strands of her hair were stuck to her lip, and Dez brushed them away, staring into her eyes.
“Then say it.”
“I dunno,” Callie bit her lip. “You’re addictive, Desiree.”
“I don’t see the problem,” Dez admitted.
“You’ll get tired of me.”
“Nah, as long as we’re making each other feel good that won’t happen. And if it does change we’ll talk about it.” Dez said diplomatically.
Callie took a breath, staring her dark blue eyes into Dez’s dark brown ones. “Okay.”
“Yeah,” Callie giggled, “I’ll be your fuck buddy.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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