CHAPTER 3 - Safe And Sound

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phoebes pov

"His belly's distended, his pressure's dropping, which means there's internal bleeding. A fragment must have nicked one of the blood vessels. I have to open him up, find the bleeder and stitch it. And he can't move while I'm in there. I mean, at all. If he reacts the same as before, I'll sever an artery and he'll be dead in minutes. To even try this, I have to put him under. But if I do, he won't be able to breathe on his own. Same bad results." Hershel said to rick who was just as pale as me he did a blood transfution after i couldnt do another one

"what'll it take?" Rick asked

"You need a respirator. What else?"

"The tube that goes with it, extra surgical supplies, drapes, sutures." Hershel told them

"If you had all that, you could save him?"

"If I had all that, I could try."

"Nearest hospital went up in flames a month ago." otis paused "The high school." he realised

"That's what I was thinkin'. They set up a FEMA shelter there. They would have everything we need."

"Place was overrun last time I saw it. You couldn't get near it- Maybe it's better now."

"I said, leave the rest to me. Is it too late to take that back?" shane said to rick with a smile on his face

"I hate you goin' alone." rick told him

"Come on. Doc, why don't you give me a list, draw me a map." Shane told Hershel while ignoring Rick's comment

after that conversation Shane and Otis started to get ready to leave until Maggie walked over to rick "where is she- your wife" she asked him

"Maggie no" i told her instantly while slowly walking towards her

"Phee it's that little boys mother" she told me

"i don't care ill go and get her you just stay here" i told her

"phoebe i don't think that's the best of idea's. you've given a lot of blood today you wont make it out the door" Hershel told me walking up to us both

"he's right im not havin' you out there in this state" she told me firmly

"fine just-just take Archer okay he'll keep you safe . and if you're not back in 40 minutes imma' go get you myself" i told her " regardless of what you say" i pointed my finger at Hershel. and with that i walked back into my room where Carl was still passed out.


it had been 15 minutes since Maggie had left. i'm still not okay with her going but you know.

i'm still sat in the chair next to Carl when rick walks in and sits beside me and looks at his son.

" i want to thank you for what you're doing for my boy and letting your friend go and get his mother" told me looking over at me

"it's the least i could do was sorta my fault" i told him

"what do you mean" he asked me with a confused look on his face

"well normally every morning me archer and Otis go out hunting and whenever we see a deer i kill it will my bow so your son wouldn't have been shot" i paused "and besides Otis isn't a very observant person" i told him and he laughed which made me smile.

he looks at the table next to me and he sees the photo of me and Maggie a couple years back "that you" he points at the photo "yeah" i pick it up and hand it to him and he smiles looking at the photo "you dyed your hair" he points out the blonde hair that i had in the photo.

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