Chapter 11

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Over a week had passed since Amelia and Hade's steamy episode. Over a week had passed since they agreed to remain professional and forget their desires for one another. It had gone...okay.

There were some moments when they did a good job of acting as if nothing happened, even going as far as tossing a light joke or two. At other times, one could cut the tension with a knife. Yet, they were able to push past it and focus on work. Maybe that's all they really needed from each other. Just work.

The day started like any other for the pair. A read-through of Hade's schedule had indicated that the two had a morning meeting to attend with a presentation being delivered by one of the department heads. Some members of the company crowded around the table, watching on. And on. And on.

Time ticked away and with every tick, Amelia's bladder became fuller and fuller.

How long is this meeting going to take?

Her eyes found the round ticker pinned to the far wall. It wasn't the first time she had glanced at the clock, nor was it the second, and the last few glances had not gone unnoticed by her boss either.

He leans towards her in a hushed whisper, "Is the meeting boring you?"

She turns at the feel of his breath against her shoulder. "No not at all," she says, worried that she may have looked rude eyeing the clock that way. "I just, I have to use the bathroom," she reveals.

"Then go."

"I can't miss anything," she gestures towards her notes.

"I can handle it," he assures her but Amelia still holds strong on staying.

"The meeting's almost over anyway, I can hold it."

"Ms. Abbott, I am ordering you to go to the restroom."

She hesitates, weighing her options.

What the hell

"Okay." She gets up, offering an apologetic smile to those around her before speedily leaving the room as everyone watches.

"You may continue," Hade announces, bringing everyone's attention back to the presenter and away from his assistant.


    Much better

The door closes once Amelia steps out of the bathroom. Her legs were just as relieved as her bladder at the break from the desk chair she was confined to. She takes slow steps towards the meeting room until someone blocks her.

"Ms. Abbott," Maria, the front desk receptionist, stops her with a mixed bouquet of red roses and white gardenias.

"You can just call me Amelia," she grins.

"Cool, Amelia," she reiterates, "these flowers were delivered for you. I thought I'd hand them to you myself since I'm already leaving."

"For me?" Amelia asks, confused.

"Ah, no," Maria starts, replying with her own confusion. "I-I have a doctor's appointment."
    A wide grin spreads across Amelia's face as she holds in her laughter, "I meant the flowers. They're for me?"

Embarrassment floods Maria as she realizes her silly mistake, "Oh, right, yeah," Maria chuckles as the tips of her ears turn red, "sorry that was stupid."

"Don't worry about it," she chuckles back, "I have those moments too."

"Well, anyway, yeah the delivery man said 'Amelia Abbott'."

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