Chapter 19

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This was harder than I thought

Amelia had fully intended to go up to Hade to confess her feelings and express what she wanted from him, that was until urgent calls came through, important meetings came up, and the whole incident with the design crew chaotically blew up. It was, irritatingly, not the right time to have the conversation she'd been obsessing over for the past eleven hours, given the hectic circumstances. So, here she was, standing alone in a coffee shop during her lunch break still with no luck of a moment alone with Hade Falcon without the pressures of work on both their shoulders.

"Next in line", the cashier says catching Amelia's attention.

"Hello, can I get an iced coffee with a chocolate croissant please?"

The cashier nods her head typing in the order. "And will that be all?"

Amelia looks at the baked goods they have laid out and spots a small basket full of candy bars. She grabs one.

"Can I add this too?"

"Sure can. That'll be $13.90."

After grabbing her order, she walks towards a small table in the corner of the room, shielding herself from the blinding sunlight pouring in from the massive windows. She tries to enjoy the remainder of her break, savoring the chocolatey taste of the warm croissant while her mind runs wild.

For months she had no desire to pursue a relationship with Hade, wishing his feelings would go away. Now she fears her wish has come true.

Taking the last bite, Amelia dusts off the crumbs from her hands and comes to a decision.

That's it, I'm walking in there and I'm going to tell him exactly how I'm feeling

No more waiting around

With the little chime of the coffee shop's door closing, Amelia walks back to her office with the most urgency she's ever had for going back to work.


Has this elevator always been this slow?

As if sensing the woman's annoyance, the elevator doors part themselves letting her exit with haste.

Her legs tried keeping up with her racing heartbeat with each leg moving quickly after the other. She was nervous, that was for certain, but also scared of missing her chance again.

As she gets close, Hade walks out of his office with a red-headed woman stepping out behind him, laughing at something he says. The image of them together brings back memories, and her legs halt and her heart drops to her stomach.

Catching her shaky breath, she changes direction and heads to the bathroom hoping to avoid being spotted. Crouching down, she checks to see if anyone is in a stall, opening each door to double-check before making a call, hoping the voice on the other side will comfort her troubled heart.


"Shelby I can't do this." She hears a sigh from the other end.

"Yes you can. Take a deep breath, have a breather. You know you like him and-"

"No Shelby I mean I really cannot do this. I was about to go talk to him and I see him with his fucking ex from uni, the same girl! Like what kind of fucking deja vu is this?"

"What? What the hell is she doing there?"

"How would I know?"

"How are they still even in contact?"

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