The Pier

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Linda gripped her camera tightly, her knuckles turning white, as the decrepit Woodland Pier came into view

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Linda gripped her camera tightly, her knuckles turning white, as the decrepit Woodland Pier came into view. Even in the fading winter light, Linda could make out the ghostly silhouettes of the abandoned rides and attractions, now collecting dust after years of neglect. This was it - her ticket to viral fame and the rescue of her dying YouTube channel. All she had to do was spend one night filming inside the infamous haunted pier and gather enough creepy footage of paranormal activity.

It sounded simple enough when she concocted the idea over drinks at Laura's New Year's Eve party. The liquid courage coursing through her veins made her feel bold, fearless. She convinced herself the bone-chilling tales of ghosts sightings were just urban legends. Spectral lights, phantom music, and shadowy figures? Nothing but ridiculous ghost stories amplified by the pier’s sinister appearance.

With some goading and the promise of an adventure unlike any other, she persuaded Laura and Ellia to explore the condemned pier with her on the first night of the new year. After all, what did they have to lose?

Now, facing the decaying entrance strung with caution tape and no-trespassing signs, Linda wasn’t so sure. Her bravado faded as quickly as her whiskey buzz wore off. She stared up at the dilapidated pavilion, its vaulted dome charred from an untamed fire. The winter wind whipped through gigantic holes in the copper roof, giving the illusion of screams echoing from within. Linda shivered, but not from the cold.

“We shouldn’t be here,” Ellie muttered. “This place gives me the creeps.”

Linda swallowed her nerves. “Don’t tell me you’re scared already? We haven’t even started filming yet!” She elbowed Laura playfully. “I told you Ellie would chicken out.” 

“Shut up, I’m not scared,” Ellia protested, scowling. “I just...have a bad feeling about this.”

Linda checked the batteries in her camera for the hundredth time. "You wanted an adventure for New Year’s and now you have one. Don’t wimp out on me!”

Laura placed a gloved hand on Linda’s shoulder. “Maybe Ellie’s right. We could find another place to explore—”

“No!” Linda insisted. "This will get a million views on YouTube, easily." She pointed to the padlock and chain blocking their path. "Are one of you going to pick that lock or what?" 

Laura sighed, resigned to her fate. She pulled two bobby pins from her dark curls and crouched in front of the padlock. After a few moments of maneuvering the pins, the stubborn lock clicked open.

Linda could hardly contain her excitement. This was it—her golden ticket. She glanced at Ellie apprehensively eyeing the entrance, hugging herself for warmth.

“Last chance to back out if you’re too scared,” Linda teased.

Ellie stood taller and followed Laura and Linda through the gates into the abandoned pier. “Scaredy cats first...”

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