The Audacity Of It All (Part 1)

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Allie straightened her hat and examined herself in the hall mirror

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Allie straightened her hat and examined herself in the hall mirror. "Well Audacities, are we ready for an adventure?" she asked, turning to her motley crew.

The Sour Kitten licked her paw halfheartedly. "I suppose, if we must. That Glenn gives me the creeps though."

"Oh don't be such a scaredy cat!" chided Miss Mack. "Where's your sense of audacity?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun!" piped up Cuddly Bunny. "Like a big slumber party."

Hair For Brains bounced excitedly, shedding strands everywhere. "A party, oh goody!"

The Mystified Soul rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I sense strange vibrations about this place. We must tread carefully."

"Si, Glenn has always been a sly fox," said Diego. "But the night is young and our hearts are bold!"

Tom Riddle nodded sagely. "The riddle this night presents will reveal itself in time." 

Allie smiled at her friends. "That's the spirit Audacities! Now let's go, Glenn awaits."

The group made their way down the long drive to the imposing iron gates of Glenn's estate. Allie noticed the sign above the gates now read "Harmony Hills Sanitarium and Hospital for the Criminally Insane." Interesting. The gates creaked open and they ventured inside.

"Good evening Audacities, so glad you could come," said Glenn, emerging from the shadows. The tall man was impeccably dressed as always, but had a strange smile on his gaunt face. "Please come in and make yourselves at home."

They entered the old asylum’s foyer, their footsteps echoing. Suits of armor and disturbing paintings lined the walls.

Miss Mack snorted. "Cheery place you've got here." 

"Why thank you," replied Glenn smoothly. "It has such fascinating history. I'd be happy to share some stories later.” His dark eyes glinted. “But first, refreshments."

He led them to a grand dining table where a lavish spread awaited. The Audacities eyed the feast hesitantly.

Cuddly Bunny’s pink nose twitched. “Is that chocolate mousse?” She hopped over to examine it.

“Indeed. Help yourselves!” Glenn said. 

After some initial hesitation, the group dug in ravenously. All except the Mystified Soul, who wandered the room, peering at objects curiously.

"Quite the curiosity cabinet you have here,” he murmured.

“All authentic pieces from the asylum’s heyday,” Glenn replied through a mouthful of food.

The Mystified Soul paused by a display case holding a straightjacket and restraints. He narrowed his eyes.

Soon the group was stuffed. Yawns echoed around the table. 

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