The Audacity of It All (Part 2)

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Allie stretched happily, nestling deeper into plush first-class seat

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Allie stretched happily, nestling deeper into plush first-class seat. After last year's disastrous "adventure" orchestrated by that maniac Glenn, she was eager to relax with her Audacity friends. She smiled down at the posh pink envelope in her lap which contained an exclusive invitation.

"A week's vacation at a reclusive mountain village in Japan," she mused. "Quite mysterious and intriguing!"

"Ooh a spa getaway, divine!" cooed Cuddly Bunny from across the aisle, flipping through an in-flight magazine.

Miss Mack snorted. "Who goes to Japan to sit around getting pampered? I wanna see samurais and ninjas!"

"According to legend this village has shadow warriors far more frightening," murmured Mystified Soul. The others leaned in eagerly.

"They say hundreds of years ago worshippers from a nearby Shinto shrine plagued the village, performing violent rituals, twisting the place with dark magic."

He paused dramatically. "The tortured souls of those worshipers and their victims now haunt those cursed ruins as vengeful spirits known as onryō."

A chill went down Allie's spine. She peered out at the mist-swathed Japanese mountaintops below. What unique inspiration their spectral inhabitants might offer her writerly soul!

The plane circled down through ominous clouds. The Audacities peered out at evergreen forests giving way to rocky bluffs. Nestled in a narrow ravine sat the abandoned village, black-roofed houses flanking winding alleys like so many gaping maws.

As they exited the tiny terminal, a tall figure wearing traditional robes waved. It was Glenn, grinning cheerfully.

"I am so honored you accepted my invitation Audacities!" He bowed.

"You?! After the horror show you put us through last year?!" squawked Sour Kitten. The others tensed. Allie raised a wary hand.

"Friends please, let him explain."

Glenn bowed deeply again. "I owe you all tremendous apology. My obsession with theatrics led to manic delusions which you unfortunately endured."

Remorse shone in his eyes. "After intensive therapy and soul searching I've recovered my sanity. To show my goodwill I spent my family fortune restoring this historic property."

He opened his arms, smiling hopefully. "Please accept a week's stay as my personal guests, completely free of charge of course! Consider it...reparation."

The group hesitated, considering his sincerity. Allie stepped forward, smiling gently.

"Of course old friend. We all deserve second chances."

The others murmured agreement. Glenn beamed gratefully.

 Glenn beamed gratefully

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