Chapter 8: What Now?

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(Disclaimer: I own nothing from Image or DC Comics, nor do I own any of the artwork I have posted or will post.)

Mark flew for a few minutes before landing on the rooftop of the Iceberg Lounge.  He figured that Penguin might be able to help him, for no other reason than a favor to his uncle.  All Mark had on him was his uncle's coin and his wallet from his mother, so he was hoping Penguin could help him disappear for a while.  Right when he landed, however, he was surprised to see the man himself waiting for him.

"Mr. Cobblepot?  How'd you know I was coming?" Mark asked.

"You're mother called.  You really are flyin, aren't ya?  I almost didn't believe her..." Penguin trailed off.  It was quiet for a moment and then he spoke again.  "*quack, quack, quack* here kid, some survival necessities.  I had my boys pack a bag for ya.  Cash, card that should connect to your overseas money from your uncle, few changes of clothes, toothbrush, etc," He said as he flung a large, stuffed bag to Mark who caught it.

"Thanks, Mr. Cobblepot, I owe you one.  I better get going... any place I should avoid?"  Mark asked.  Penguin thought for a moment before he spoke again.

"Stay outta Gotham for a while, and avoid Metropolis and Washington.  I'd avoid the coasts too, unless ya head far north or far south.  Smaller cities might be alright, large enough to avoid everyone knowing ya and small enough to hide in plan view. I'm sure you'll figure it out in time kid. Just remember: don't talk on the phone for extended periods, make sure ta use cash or the card connected to your overseas account, and don't attempt to contact yer mother or yer uncle. If something happens, try and wait as long as ya can to hear from me or Dent before making a move," Penguin said. Mark nodded at this, and Penguin spoke again.

"One last thing, junior. I don't know what ya are and I don't wanna know. But you should wanna know, so take some time and see the limits of these abilities and then figure out what you wanna do with them. And stay safe ya hear or ya mother will fry me like a fish *quack, quack, quack,*" He ended with a laugh.

Mark nodded and the men shook hands. "Thanks Mr. Cobblepot, I won't forget this. I'd better get out of here before the cavalry shows up to hunt me. Thanks again!" Mark said as he took off into the night and headed west. Penguin just sighed and went inside, hoping that he didn't get a wake up call from the Bat anytime soon.

As for Mark, he flew hard and fast into the night. He was determined to be halfway across the country by morning. As he flew, he contemplated Penguin's advice. As much as he wanted to see the west coast and live near the water, Mark had a feeling that wasn't a smart idea. He had a small list of major cities that were recommended by Penguin, and he was beelining for the one he was planning on stopping at first. He just hoped there weren't any major League members or supervillains in the area, but he doubted it. After all...

Who the hell lives in Kansas City anyways?

~Line Break~

Meanwhile, back in Gotham the Batfamily were sitting around in the Bat Cave licking their wounds and contemplating their next approach.  Well, Bruce was contemplating.  Dick was asleep, his injuries were severe enough that Alfred had sedated him and made sure he was comfortable in bed.  Alfred himself had gone back up into the Manor to try and prepare tea to soothe the remaining conscious members of his family.

Tim and Barbara were an absolute wreck.  Physically they were okay, no lasting injuries and both were patrol ready if need be.  However. both were reeling from the events that had just occurred in the last few hours in two different ways. 

Tim was doing a mental rollercoaster because he felt he'd betrayed Mark's trust (which he had).  He'd befriended Mark long before Bruce had told him anything concrete about the boy, and Tim was upset he'd ruined a good healthy relationship with one of his closest friends.  A small part of him did agree with Bruce, especially after seeing the damage Mark could cause when he got angry.  That part was not currently winning the war inside of Tim's head, and he felt all the worse for his own actions.  

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