chapter one ☆✿☆

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The sleepy coastal town of Willow Cove stirred lazily under the midday sun, its streets adorned with vibrant umbrellas shading the local cafés' patrons from the warmth.

Seagulls soared gracefully overhead, their cries merging with the distant melody of waves crashing against the shore.

Evan stood behind the worn wooden counter of his quaint bookstore,arranging the latest shipment of vintage novels.

The subtle scent of old paper wafted through the air, mingling with the salty freshness that always permeated the town.

His fingers traced the embossed spines lovingly, each book a cherished relic with its own story to tell.

As he meticulously arranged the novels, a distant, lilting tune reached his ears, drawing his attention to the open window. He glanced outside, spotting the source Alex, a vibrant figure strumming a guitar beneath the awning of the nearby café, Serenade's Corner.

The afternoon sunlight danced around them, casting a warm glow on their face, accompanied by a joyful melody that seemed to match the day's serene atmosphere perfectly.

Evan watched, captivated, as Alex's fingers moved skillfully over the strings, their music filling the air and mingling with the town's ambient sounds.

There was an energy about Alex that was magnetic, drawing smiles from passersby and setting a lively tone for the quiet town.

Unconsciously, Evan found himself drawn to the café each evening, a routine he had unknowingly developed. He would sit at a corner table, the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the sweet notes of Alex's melodies.

From his vantage point at the window, Evan observed Alex finding solace in the gentle strums and soulful lyrics that they effortlessly crafted.

Their worlds had yet to collide, but as the sun dipped lower each evening, Evan couldn't help but feel a connection to the musician whose music seemed to echo the emotions he held close to his heart.

One fateful evening, a sudden gust of wind carried an errant page from one of Evan's vintage novels out the bookstore door and down the street. As he hurriedly chased after it, his path crossed with Alex's for the first time, their eyes meeting in a moment of unexpected serendipity...

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