chapter two☆✿☆

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As Evan reached out to catch the fluttering page, his gaze collided with Alex's, both frozen in surprise for a fleeting moment. The world seemed to pause as their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them.

Evan's heart raced, his usually composed demeanor faltered in the wake of Alex's warm, inviting gaze.

"Sorry, let me get that for you," Alex offered with a smile, breaking the spell as they swiftly caught the paper before it could drift away.

"Thank you," Evan managed, his voice soft, betraying the hint of surprise at the encounter.

Their fingers brushed briefly as Alex handed back the loose page, a gentle touch that sent a jolt of electricity through Evan.

He tucked the page safely into the book, stealing a glance at Alex, who stood before him with a casual confidence that was both disarming and comforting.

"Are you a regular at Serenade's Corner?" Alex asked, a playful glint in their eyes.

Evan hesitated for a moment, unused to this kind of interaction. "Yes, I... I appreciate your music and a quiet café" he admitted, his cheeks faintly tinged with a blush.

"Nice! I'll keep an eye out for you," Alex said cheerfully before flashing a quick grin and continuing on their way, leaving Evan standing there, heart pounding and thoughts swirling in a delightful chaos.

From that day onward, Evan found himself eagerly anticipating the evenings spent at Serenade's Corner, his heart racing not just for the music but for the chance of another encounter with Alex.

Each evening, as the café filled with the melodies of Alex's songs, their eyes would meet, exchanging shy smiles and silent acknowledgments across the crowded space.

Their interactions remained brief, each conversation a dance of unspoken words and stolen glances, yet a palpable connection simmered between them.

Evan felt a warmth spreading within him, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time.

As the summer days stretched on, Evan couldn't deny the blossoming attraction he felt towards Alex. The musician's presence seemed to brighten every corner of his world, filling it with a newfound sense of joy.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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