chapter three ☆✿☆

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Amidst the balmy evenings and the gentle ebb and flow of the ocean, Evan and Alex's connection deepened with each passing day.

Their encounters grew more frequent, transitioning from fleeting exchanges to longer conversations filled with laughter and shared interests.

One afternoon, Evan mustered the courage to invite Alex to Lost Pages, intrigued by their mutual love for music and literature.

As Alex stepped into the cozy bookstore, their eyes widened with delight, taking in the shelves adorned with classic novels and the inviting ambiance that enveloped the space.

Evan led Alex to a corner where a worn armchair nestled between stacks of books, inviting them to sit and explore the treasures the store held.

They bonded over their favorite novels, sharing stories of fictional worlds that had captured their imaginations and discussing the intricacies of prose and melody.

In that serene haven, time seemed to stretch, their conversation flowing effortlessly, as if the books themselves whispered tales of their own serendipitous encounter.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Evan glanced at the clock, surprised at how swiftly the hours had passed.

Reluctantly, he mentioned the closing time of his bookstore, but a mischievous glint in Alex's eyes sparked a newfound anticipation.

"Wait," Alex said, a playful smile gracing their lips, "there's a secret spot by the shore I've been wanting to show you. Would you like to come along?"

Evan hesitated for a moment, but the excitement in Alex's voice was contagious. With a soft smile and a nod, he agreed, and together they ventured towards the coast.

The salty air wrapped around them as they strolled along the quiet beach, the sound of the waves providing a soothing background to their conversation.

In the distance, stars began to sprinkle the evening sky, casting a shimmering blanket over the darkening horizon.

They arrived at a secluded cove, where moonlight danced on the water's surface, painting an ethereal scene. Alex settled on a weathered driftwood log, gesturing for Evan to join them. The lull of the waves and the faint strumming of a guitar in the distance created a mesmerizing melody that echoed the beating of their hearts.

Under the blanket of stars, surrounded by the serenity of the night, Evan found himself captivated not just by the breathtaking view but by the person sitting beside him, their presence more enchanting than the picturesque scenery.

As the evening unfolded, with whispered secrets and shared dreams, a gentle breeze carried with it a sense of possibility and the promise of something beautiful blossoming between them.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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