Chapter 1: The Faithful Day

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A little child was playing in the playground, having fun digging into the sand. Making small piles and imagining it was a castle or a mansion, with little cars as people. That was the wonders of the small human, a small little girl with stunning blue eyes. Those eyes carried the innocence of youth, the wonders of imagination, pure innocence. She had really long hair, natural blond hair, that looked as a beacon under the sun. She was full of happiness, unknowing of what was going to be her future.

 We are getting carried away, as the child played away under the sun, not caring for the sunburns she will surly get later that day. She didn't feel, nor see the evil that was brewing into her family, as she was waiting for her little brother, to finally see the first sights of life. Of course, as a child, she though that babies where carried by special birds. She couldn't wait to see her little sibling. To her, it was a new friend, ready to play once they got home. As the peaceful day continued, the day of reckoning was approaching, the faithful day where everything changed for her.

She got ready to go home, as she was in a park. As the days turned into weeks, she went into a hospital, she was scared, terrified because no one told the small child why they were going to a hospital. She was always told that going to a hospital was signing for hundreds of needles, groups of monsters called doctors touching you all the time. She was scared of the hospital, but once inside, she was explained that it wasn't for her, that her mother had a suprise for her. Once into the room, as doctors where surrounding the parents of the child, she approached, only for the doctors to leave the room. Once the doctors where out of the door, getting closed in the process, she was told to get onto the bed, with some help from her father, she sat onto the bed, waiting for the suprise to get revealed.

Her mother, full of happiness, told her 4 year old to look into the small bin that looked kind of like a trash can. The child looked inside, only to be surprised by her little brother, she was as happy as her mother, happy to see that her new friend she was awaiting to see for the first time was finally here. She went on and on about how she was going to play chase, hide an seek, house and so many more games with the newborn. However, she was then explained to that the newborn couldn't play like she could, and that it would take years for her little brother to be able to play. Of course, the child wasn't happy at first, a new friend she cannot play with, what kind of stupidity was not being able to play with your friend. Over time, after much hours of explanations, she finally understood that she had to wait awhile.

She didn't care, as she still cared for her little brother, she loved him with all her heart. He was to her a new sun, a new solar system that was to be taken extra care of. She took care of her little brother as much as she could, giving him the bottle, holding him to sleep, talking to him. He was her little sunshine, and her little brother loved her too. 

However, ever since she was taking care of her little brother, she never took notice, or she did, but not cared, that her mother was drowning herself in alcohol. Her mother was becoming an alcoholic, an addict to something worse than her smoking. Her husband was also smoking, but not drinking, he hated drinking, it was to expensive anyways. The husband was the one to bring money into the household, the only one that was making sure that the family of four had enough food and clothes to live a normal life. At some time, they had to move out.

The young girl now at a new house, went to explore, to discover that there was a small park just behind the block apartments where her new home was. She was fighting with her alcoholic mother for only five minutes, alone, in the park, as she was forced to stay inside. That kind of behavior had started since the mother started to drink alcohol. She was starting to turn into a monster just before the eyes of the child as she said no over and over again. She was once again forced to stay indoors and take care of little brother as the mother stayed watching whatever she was doing on the family computer.


This is a test chapter as this is a book that will be hard to read, this is just the start, as I don't really care what people will think of it, I just want to make this story. There will be no update schedule for this book, so just be ready for a chapter suddenly popping out of nowhere.

This is a really hard book for me to do as this is a true story, made in a way that will make it easier for me to write. As sad as it is, this story is far from being over, and far from being really started as this chapter is an amalgamation of the 0 to 5 years of the persons life.

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