Chapter 10: As been freed

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She was still going to have to fight; all she wanted was to be able to be a normal child. Live the way she was never able to. Get to experience what she never got to experience. Yet, here she is, still needing to fight the nightmares and the trauma that a single person caused her. Why can't she be set free? Why can't she finally be the person she always wanted to be? This is a question that will never be answered by anyone, something that she will learn much later on. She was still in the house of her father; she was pleading with him to fight, but she had given him all that he could.

After all, he got pretty sick; something got to him—a mushroom that passed as leukemia. Something that brought him a mere week before death. If he hadn't gone to the hospital, he would have never lived, but after a few weeks of living all this hell, she was still forced to think about all of this; she still couldn't turn the page; she was forced to live what she had deemed to be her dark past. She learned over time that the most cold-blooded killers lived a dark past just like her; she wondered for years why she didn't turn like them. Why didn't she start killing like the tool she was to become, like how the monster wanted her to turn out to be?

He got a sickness that passed for many weeks as simple leukemia, but it was something much more deadly, as this mushroom is only gained by walking in letteral shit. As he had to repair the exit point for the toilet, he got really sick. The little girl feared that she was going to lose him; after all, she knows what leukemia is. Her family isn't the best with health; they never lived long in her family history.

They were tired of always having to fight; they had it to the point where they were ready to accept any type of fate it would take, ready to ride the path the end was going to decide on its own. She was starting to lose her good grades, as she was only focused on the real part, which was the hell she was going to face soon. She was hurting on the inside as she was ready once again to fall into the dark pit that is real-life hell.

However, it didn't turn out that way, as the girl and the father were placed into the hands of a great lawyer. Not only that, but they had a light in the darkness that was to soon reveal itself. That light was to be the one and only woman that was taken into the house, as she needed help. That woman brought the love and care of a mother to the little girl who never lived with any of that love; she finally got what she wanted, in the deepest part of her heart, a mother's love. But she didn't know at the time. Her father was living at the bottom of the barrel; he was about to let that monster win the custody of his precious daughter. He didn't realize that help was next to him or that a true wife was sitting next to him. That was what he wanted in the deepest place of his heart—a wife who understood him up to his molecular level.

The two needed help, but they were only helping others, even though they needed it the most now. The father realized that the woman was for him, and the daughter realized that she wanted that woman as her mother, her true mother. Even with great lawyers, they needed the proof; they needed everything to be able to win the case and for the two of them to be free. With the Savior helping them, the light that they so much require to continue fighting this seemingly never-ending war.

They were going to go to court, the little girl ready to go under the victim protection law that would allow her to be recorded and then played at court so that her testimony would not be altered by being terrified of the monsters reaction. However, she wasn't needed, as they had enough proof to place her in prison. So, she was to go to class. She warned that she may not pay attention as today was the day that she was supposed to be in court but was on standby.

She stressed the whole day, not knowing what was going to be the judge's verdict. She couldn't pay any attention to the class; her friend next to her was worried, but she understood why she wasn't much present and tried to reassure her. She was let out of class, and she called her father, only to realize that he was in court right now and shouldn't be disturbed. So she decided to wait for the end of the day to ask how it went. She was way too anxious to continue her classes, but she pushed on, even though she knew that all the teachers saw that she was falling behind. The teachers all saw what was happening to her; she told the resume of what she was forced to live and now what was going on.

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