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Right, for the first page I'm gonna fill it with the Organizations in my AU so. There are: UN(United Nations), EU(European Union), ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations), NATO(Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization), AU(African Union), WHO(World Health Organization), AL(Arab League) and OIC(Organization of Islamic Cooperation) let's get into it!!

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#1 ||UN||

Full name: United Nations

Gender:male ♂️

Human age: 49 (he's the oldest)

Organization age: 78

Established: October 24th, 1945

Description: he's the oldest organization in my fandom, he's rather having a cold tone when it comes to speaking. And, always making a definition about human rights. He's the strongest out of all of the organizations.

Never even mess with him about humanity, or else he'll make you into ashes and place it in a bottle. (Yes, he has a collection of bottles that contains ashes called 'the sinful ashes').

#2 ||EU||

Full name: European Union

Gender: female ♀️

Human age: 45

Organization age: 30 (damn, she's young)

Established: November 1st, 1993

Description: just like other potrayal of EU, her eyes are black with golden star pupils and black sclera (which is the white part on eyes). She's more menacing with her eyes, it makes her worst enemies run for their lives.

But, there's one thing that she's been hiding this whole time, usually she's a pretty open person when it comes to talk about economy/others. She has a crush on ASEAN. . . . . But she don't have a major crush on him tho.

#3 ||ASEAN||

Full name: Association of South East Asian Nations

Gender: male ♂️

Human age: 46

Organization age: 56

Established: August 8th, 1967

Description: aahh yes, ASEAN is really a though men. I mean, he actually has a passive-agressive traits if his students is misbehaving especially the maphilindo trio (I mean what can I say then they're sometimes are the trouble source) he'll atleast use a wooden ruler to smack them.

He actually has a skill on nature field (it's kinda obvious that some parts of South East Asia is filled with forests) and knows alot about plants and animals,if you're wondering does ASEAN likes EU back the answer is. . . . . He doesn't know.

#4 ||NATO||

Full name: Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization

Gender: male ♂️

Human age: 48

Organization age: 74

Established: April 4th, 1949

Description: if you're looking some protections for yourself, well you're looking for the right organization! because he (NATO) knows alot about military and some self-defense systems for the others.

His strategies is very complex. Even the strongest enemies can't expose it because of how secret it is, whenever there's someone that's hurting his members he'll takes it very seriously. He will go into his serious mode for atleast 2-9 days.

#5 ||AU||

Full name: African Union

Gender: female ♀️

Human age: 41

Organization age: 21 (now we have the youngest in the gang)

Established: July 9th, 2002

Description: out of all of the organizations, she's by far the calmest well. It's because she always have a time to concentrate on her inner peace and sorcery, she has trust issues if someone gives her a recent news she'll ask:"I need to examine some details because I need to know what you're saying from your mouth is real/fake"

She knows alot about sorcery, if you're really wanted to learn about sorcery just ask her. She could be your mentor, she's also best friends with Arab League they oftenly talks to each other when there's a free time.

#6 ||WHO||

Full name: World Health Organization

Gender: female ♀️

Human age: 39

Organization age: 75

Established: April 7th, 1948

Description: she's UN's little sister. She doesn't appear at a certain meeting of the organizations well, it's because she has a lot of work to do and she's rather introverted for some unknown reasons.

For most countries, she's the most supreme healer of all. Well, she's a health organization what can I say then? Her vision is a little bit blurry when it comes to seeing things closer. So she needs a glasses (Gucci glasses) one last thing she has an albino snake that's wrapped around her neck.

#7 ||AL||

Full name: League of Arab States ( Arab League)

Gender: female ♀️

Human age: 47

Organization age: 78

Established: March 22nd, 1945

Description: well uhh, she's just an opened person who talks mostly with humans. Sometimes a random people would try rebuke her for private reasons (even though the reason doesn't make any sense) but she'll takes of her sandal so no one would mess around her.

Not every countryhuman knows this but, she's Saudi's step-mom. Even the others would try to figure out 'how the heck are they so close to each other?!' her main goal is to make Palestine a sovereign and an independent nation even though it's not fulfilled yet.

#8 ||OIC||

Full name: Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Gender: male ♂️

Human age: 42

Organization age: 54

Established: September 25th, 1969

Description: he's actually AL's younger brother. That means he's Saudi's step-uncle (this doesn't even make any sense) well, one thing for sure he has the same goal as his sister. And that is to make Palestine an independent country, he'll go Asian mode if somebody makes fun of Islam.

Just like his sister, he oftenly talks with humans. He's the most Asian Arab you can find, he once stole India's cricket bat and smack Comoros for bringing a tank of lemon shark I guess he's really uncontrollable then. One thing for sure he loves sunbathing in the desert.

A/N: that's it for the organizations sorry for my writing bcz I'm not that good at writing description, and there might've been some changes in the way that I write anyway see ya in the next chapter bye!

Ps: the release date went wrong

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