Chapter Three- Tiger Widow Island

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The storm passes, and the sun begins to rise. The Ninja are incredibly lucky, narrowly avoiding a hurricane as the float through the open waters (hopefully) towards their destination. Nya finds herself sitting on the edge of the boat, silently controlling the water as her feet dangle into the sea below. Good thing about being the water ninja was that she could manipulate how the water affects her; she feels the water around her ankles, however her gi doesn't get anymore wet.

Kai doesn't have the same advantages, hence why he crosses his legs as he sits beside her, looking into the distance. The siblings sit in silence for a while, taking awkward occasional glances at each other until Nya pipes up.

"Kai," she begins, and he turns to her like a deer in headlights, "you've been acting weird since Jay went missing, and really heightened since you saw him with Nadakhan. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." he replies, oddly quickly-- to which Nya gives him a look with which he is alto familiar: it means, 'don't bullshit me, I'm your sister, I can see through you like glass,'. The red ninja gives a shaky sigh. "Well, he's our-- friend. Of course I was- uh- taken aback when he appeared with the djinn we've been fighting." Again, Nya gave him that look. "What!?"

"Kai, you're my brother." she simply says, immediately causing him to rethink things. "If- If you don't want to talk, just say. But, please, I'd like you to." Kai sighs, his brown eyes darting back down to the ocean at their feet. He thinks back to Jay, and how he switched sides. Maybe because of Nadakhan's wishes? He doesn't know. He can't figure it out. Why would he betray them, for some slippery djinn they just met. He squeezes his eyes shut, thinking about it all. Time to deflect.

"Why don't you? You're clearly hiding something!" he argues, leaning back to point a hand at her. She simply rolls her eyes.

"This isn't about me," she responds, and her brother is surprised by the fact that she maintains her cool and does not freak out at her. "my feelings forJay are... complicated." She pauses, going to say something else but stopping herself.

"What were you going to say?" Kai replies almost immediately. "You were gonna say something!"

She gives a sigh. "You're not fooling me, Kai." The boy freezes, mouth slightly ajar. "You're in love with him, aren't you?" He goes to protest, but thinks better of it and simply curls himself into a ball. She lays a hand on his back, leaning her head on his shoulder affectionately. "It's okay, brother."

"No, it's-" he starts, but- again- stops himself. "It's stupid. He's clearly smitten by you. No room for me." His sister doesn't quite know what to say, simply leaning into him to provide comfort.

"When- When did you start to have feelings?" she asks, slightly curious.

"I don't know... past month or so." Nya seems slightly surprised. "What? Guess I didn't realise how hot he was until we did modelling." He receives a nudge from her. "Ow!"

"Looks aren't everything, Kai."

"I know that! It was a joke! I find his-- personality hot too!"

The two giggle for a few moments, looking towards the sunset.

"Don't you think it's a bit weird that we both kinda love Jay?" Kai questions, to which Nya shrugs.

"It's only weird if we make it weird, Kai," she answers, receiving a nod from him as silence falls over them once again.

"He-- is a very pretty boy, though." Kai speaks. She turns and smirks at him, making him turn away awkwardly. He turns back, seeming more saddened. "Why- Why would he betray us?" Nya's face falls as well, an almost defeated shrug.

"I don't know, Kai," Nya speaks, shoulders falling. "maybe he's just... infiltrating them? Working undercover?"

"No, I don't think so," Kai speaks, not even looking at Nya. "you didn't see him, Nya. He looked angry. I've never seen him like that before. It was-" Kai stopped, turning away as he looked for the words. He looks back to her, eyes quivering and voice shaking. "It was terrifying," Nya pulled back slightly, mouth agape in slight shock. She stood up, abruptly turning and returning to her quarters. Well done Kai, you've officially scared the shit out of your sister.

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