Chapter Four- My Dinner With Nadakhan

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Kai threw the board down in anger, looking to his sister as she attacked the sand and laying a hand on her shoulder.

"Nya-" he speaks, trying to steady his voice as much as he can, however she ignores him and continues smacking the beach. "Nya!" She stops, her bobbed hair falling over her features as she scowls at Kai.

"He took Lloyd, Kai," she huffs, fist slamming against the sand for another time. "right in front of me. He-- He told me to leave. He took Lloyd. But he saved me." Kai, frowns, bringing his sister in for a warm hug.

"Seems like he has a soft spot for you, huh?" he smirks, but Nya's expression remains unchanged.

"Sorry," Kai whispers, and Nya stands up, staring determined into the distance. She kicks the sand, letting out a growl as she turns back to her sibling.

"Kai," she speaks firmly, literally terrifying him. He's never seen her this angry before. "I'm going to kill him. He's- He's betrayed us. He captured Lloyd for that damn djinn. He- He has to pay." Kai stands, gripping her hands in his gently as he looks at her with sympathetic eyes.

"Nya, we can't-"

"We?" she scoffs, tearing her hands from his and trying to generate her water dragon, failing; lack of focus. Too angry. "I don't care if you're with me or not. I'm going to do this." Kai steps back, shaking his head and waving his hands.

"That's- Not a talk for now." he sighs, looking to the horizon as he thinks of what to do. "We need to build a raft. Get off of this damn island. Then, we can talk about... killing Jay." He swallows, throat getting drier even as he says it.

"R-Right. Getting out of here." she sighs, looking around. "I reckon there's enough rubble from trees around to pull together a raft. That's-- all I can think of." Kai nods, moving towards the jungle to collect woods and resources as Nya follows behind shortly. The two are silent as they gather materials, air tense between them.

Nya's feelings about Jay couldn't be more conflicted at the moment. On one hand, she couldn't help herself from loving him despite anything he does, but on the other hand she hated him for betraying them. She hated him for toying with them when he could've acted. She hated him for taking Lloyd. She hated him for everything he'd done. And she hated him for looking hot as he did it. Why, if she got him alone; she'd probably kiss him before driving a knife through his stomach.

Kai, on the other hand, was holding out hope. He never pegged himself as an optimistic person, but he could feel that Jay wasn't completely committed to the pirates. His hesitation to catch Nya was proof enough that he still had lines he couldn't bring himself to cross, but Nya didn't seem to interpret it that way. Kai knew his feelings would affect his opinion, but he could not shake the thought that Jay definitely had good left inside him, or maybe even he was deep undercover and planned on betraying Nadakhan for them. A false hope.

Soon, the two siblings had gathered heaps of materials and finally decided to share words again, with Nya speaking.

"Ready to start building?" she asks, tying a palm tie around a short stick to connect to a rock.

"Readier than I'll ever be," Kai smiles, flaming up his hand; it might be useful, he doesn't know.


Jay is incredibly lucky that Clancee was forced to use one of his three wishes to heal his wounds, because he both wanted to save his third wish and also did not want to go through whatever weird pirate treatments the crew had in store for him. As much as he was becoming colder and colder along with the crew, he did thank Clancee profusely and even offered to swob the deck instead of him, but the serpentine declined the offer; apparently he just really enjoys mopping. Jay wasn't complaining, this meant he could sleep for the rest of the day. Or, that was his plan before Flintlocke so rudely interrupted him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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