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Because you're accustomed to your alarm you woke up a couple minutes before it went off. You blankly stared at the time. The moment it hit five AM you turned it off to avoid waking your friends.

You took a refreshing shower and got dressed. Some light makeup to finish it off, before you left you went to the bathroom to grab your bracelet and put it on. In the span of thirty minutes you were completely ready to go pick up the kids.

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You returned to your house at six AM, giving you an hour and a half until you had to drop Lila off at school.

You hurried them into your room and reminded them to stay really quiet. You turned on the TV for them.

"I'm going to make breakfast but you guys need to stay here and be really quiet. Can we do that?"

"Yeah!" Lila shouted.

"Thank you, just try to use your quiet voice okay? Whisper," you said with a smile, she gave you a thumbs up.

"How about this, if you guys can stay really quiet I'll let you pick what you want for breakfast. Sound good?" you tried to negotiate with them.



The two kids started to fight over what to eat for breakfast.

"Blueberries isn't even a real breakfast Tydus."

"Blueberries, blueberries, blueberries."

Their voices started to get a bit loud.

"How about we eat both? Yeah?"

They agreed and stopped their bickering.

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You stacked several pancakes on a platter to feed everyone. You had just finished washing the blueberries and strawberries, placing them into the kids plates when you heard Tydus crying.

You quickly got to your room to find Tydus crying on the floor. You picked him up and held him in your arms.

"What happened sweet boy?" you asked.

"He was trying to but he-" Lila started speaking defensively.

"Lila can he tell me his side first and then you tell me yours?" you kindly asked.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Okay honey, tell me what happened?" you asked Tydus, even though his vocabulary was average for a two year old, sometimes he managed to say a few things that made complete sense.

"Lila says no buberries" he cried.

"You're going to get blueberries, I just washed them," you reassured him and caressed his hair, he sniffled over your shoulder. "Okay Lila, tell me what happened," you said diverting your attention to her now that Tydus wasn't crying anymore.

"I was just saying blueberries aren't breakfast. Then he pulled my hair so I pushed," she said with a straight face. She wasn't lying.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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