Chapter 1

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Sun streams in through the sliver between the burgundy curtains draping my window

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Sun streams in through the sliver between the burgundy curtains draping my window. I roll over in bed, so that my eyes can adjust to the lightness breaking into the dark. A sigh escapes me when I remember what day it is. It's my coronation day and my twenty-second birthday. In the court's eyes, today I become an adult anointed with the responsibilities of a noble lady and officially on the market to be courted by suitors. Considering I'm a Swan and we're in Seala, the notion that I'm both a noble lady and a suitable match for anyone in another court is laughable. No suitor would cross the sealed borders to woo the daughter of a family the Volturi has publicly dismissed. The harsh truth of it doesn't matter to everyone bustling around the grounds today. They'll throw a party, drink too much wine, and place a flower crown on my head anyway. I should let myself get lost in it. Let it be a distraction to my desolate reality. Or maybe I'll just continue to lie here and stare at the wall. Count all the tiny flowers in the faded wallpaper that adorns my room. A knock comes from outside my door to let me know that disassociating the day away won't be an option.

I fumble out of bed and tiptoe across the marble floor. I'm not trying to be quiet, I'm just trying to avoid the icy chill from the cold floor. I grab a fur shawl from the hook by the door and swirl it around me. I'm not modest, but right now neither are my nipples that are threatening to cut through my silk nightgown.

I throw the door back and catch one of the court messengers mid-knock. His mouth falls agape, and he scrambles to pull himself together and wipe the surprise from his expression. "Miss Swan," he sputters out, smoothing his hands against the fabric of his trousers.

"If they've sent you to fetch me, let my father know I will be there on time, but I wish to get ready undisturbed." My voice is laced with exasperation. The sun is barely above the horizon and I'm already being rushed for a ceremony that won't take place until after sunset.

"Apologies, Miss Swan, but I am not here to rush you on behalf of Lord Charles." The messenger is still fidgeting nervously, his eyes darting around everywhere to avoid meeting mine. "I'm here to tell you that there's been a change to the ceremony."

My stomach plummets down to my feet. Whatever is making this man before me this nervous gives me good cause to do the same. I begin to sway a little and put my hand out to brace myself against the door frame. "What change?"

"The Volturi will be in attendance, my lady," the messenger says as the color drains from his face. "They've unsealed the border and sent out riders to make sure every other province is in attendance as well. Another court messenger will deliver the dress you are to wear tonight."

My head is spinning. The Volturi haven't visited Seala since well before my birth. If you had told me before today that they even knew of my existence, I would have howled with laughter. Their presence at my coronation, directing the other province clans to attend, and gifting me a dress does not feel like gestures of goodwill. It feels like I'm barreling straight down a chute to slaughter like one of our cattle. Queasiness stirs in my stomach, but I manage to whisper, "Thank you. You're excused."

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