Chapter 5

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The energy of the ballroom shifts immediately as I enter with Bella

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The energy of the ballroom shifts immediately as I enter with Bella. Dread and uncertainty hang thick in the air, mingling with the crimson banners hanging from the ceiling. Thoughts buzz mostly with concern. A few filled with maniacal excitement, that are easy to track to Volturi members. I wade through the sea of thoughts and try to pinpoint what the excitement entails. But it's all incredibly vague, like no Volturi member knows precisely why they're thrilled. Just that something horrific is about to happen.

Bella's heart beats rapidly like a bird's wings beat against a cage when it's desperate to escape. Her normally sweet smell polluted with fear.

Everyone moves to take a seat at the long tables set up at the far end of the room. Aro is at the head of the largest table and I try to focus in on his mind, but he's not thinking about anything other than pure, unhinged joy at seeing Bella. He's aware I'm trying to get a read on him and gives me a knowing smile. His arm extends to motion us to the two empty seats near him, Lord Charles, Lady Renee, and the other two head Volturi members.

"Isabella, my little lamb," he croons. His words are sickly sweet, dripping with venom.

Bella is a lamb, heading straight for slaughter. Anger builds in my chest at his words and his ability to keep me from reading his true intentions. But I pull out the large chair next to him for her anyway, never taking my eyes off him. Disrespecting him in front of the crowd's attention would only cause a bloodbath and keep me from being able to protect Bella.

Once everyone sits, Aro remains standing and his smile impossibly grows wider.

"My loyal subjects, I'm so pleased that you could all be in attendance tonight to witness this magnificent maiden become a lady of the court."

He looks down at Bella and his gaze grows hungry. A snarl rumbles in my throat and I think about what it would feel like to snap his pompous head from his body.

"We've spent too long separated from one another, and it's time to rectify that in a spectacular fashion."

That's rich coming from any member of the Volturi. They're the very reason that separated our provinces. They publicly disgraced the Swan family and left them to ruin.

Bella's heartbeat thrums at the pulse point in her neck. While I still can't read her mind, it's clear she knows that whatever he says next won't be favorable to her.

I focus in on Charles' thoughts and try to pick through his anxiety. He can't shut me out like Bella can, but his mind is murky. Small beads of sweat trail down his temples. He's done something he regrets.

"Lord Charles has graciously offered his daughter's hand in marriage. A chance to rectify the past and, once again, unite Seala into the kingdom of Welisarne."

Aro's eyes shift to me at this announcement and he pulls his lip up enough just to flash his fangs.

I shift slightly in my seat, but in less than a second, my sister Alice is at my side. The pesky clairvoyant has seen exactly what I was intending to do and has appeared to thwart it.

"Edward, no," she whispers, trying to be soothing, but it comes out panicked. "He's expecting you to lash out. He knows you asked for her hand first and he intends to make a public display out of your defiance."

I reign in my emotions, at least temporarily, and turn to Bella. The color has drained from her face. Her hand is over her mouth that's shaped into a silent scream.

Another's thoughts loudly clang into my brain. Jacob Black, sitting at the head of the shifter table, is staring daggers at Aro. His murderous thoughts trample over the noise of everyone else in the room. Hoping he does nothing rash, I suddenly wish I could send thoughts as well as receive them.

A few quiet claps come from different tables until Aro arches an eyebrow. Then it's suddenly thunderous applause. All of them sheep compliant in the slaughter of someone that's not them.

"I know that several of you were also seeking her hand tonight even though my intentions were quite clear," Aro continues after the applause dies out. "And normally, I do not let this type of slight go unpunished."

A heaviness falls in the pit of my stomach. He's insinuating I and the other two suitors knew Bella was already matched to Aro and we were interfering in his courting. A dangerous accusation.

"As a wedding gift to my dear Isabella, only one will be punished tonight."

He pauses dramatically. A smile creeps out along his face and he brings his hands together in front of his chest, fingers tapping against each other.

"I will allow her to choose from the three infractors who will be the one to bear the punishment for this grave violation. An offense against me is, after all, an offense against the Volturi."

The room is deadly silent. Even all thoughts have gone quiet.

Marcus stands, slowly, and whispers in Aro's ear. While no human can pick up the words, every blood fae in the room can hear his disagreement with Aro's actions. This night was meant to build bridges in a fractured kingdom, not reduce them to ashes.

Aro brings a hand to Marcus' chest and shakes his head disapprovingly. He's unwilling to go back on his word now and display any sort of hesitance. Anything that can be seen as weakness. Aro shifts his eyes to meet mine and shows me inside his depraved mine. It's an image of me kneeling before him as Bella calls out my name as the one to be forfeited.

I mask my facial expression, never breaking eye contact. I turn to Bella, inhaling her intoxicating scent until it fills my lungs completely and give her a soft kiss on her cheek. 

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