chocolate chip cookies

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i was in lizzie's guest room, laying on the bed scrolling down a rabbit hole on social media. it was now evening, so i had nothing else to do. i was looking at an edit about iron man when i heard lizzie yell from the kitchen downstairs, "y/n! wanna bake cookies?" i sit up from my position on the bed before i shout back, "coming!"

i get up from the bed and quickly run down the stairs and into the kitchen. i spot lizzie in the kitchen who smiles brightly as soon as she sees me walk into the kitchen. "what type of cookies are we making?" i ask with a hint of childlike happiness as lizzie heads into her pantry. she steps out of the pantry and holds up a bag of chocolate chip with a cute smile plastered onto her face. i smile when i see the chocolate chips. simple yet perfect and delicious. i help lizzie get out the rest of the ingredients then we start mixing.

i scoop out a cup of flour from the bag and i tipped the measuring spoon into the bowl which resulted in the flour flying everywhere. once the white dust settled down, lizzie saw my flour-covered face. she let out a smirk before she started laughing. not long after she cracked up, i laughed with her as well after realizing how silly i looked with flour all over my face. she was still giggling as she wet a washcloth and wiped my face. she held my cheek with one hand while she was cleaning my face. i noticed how when she smiles how her nose scrunches up. it's absolutely adorable. she is adorable.

once she finishes i thank her and she gives me a warm smile. we continue adding the rest of the ingredients and then we start mixing. as i'm mixing the dough, lizzie pulls out a baking tray and puts a sheet of baking paper on top for the cookies. i watch her every movement as she scoops out the dough and places it onto the baking paper in even rows. i go to preheat the oven while lizzie is still scooping out the cookie dough. soon she finishes and we put the baking tray into the oven.

once they're in the oven, i sit on one of the stools by the kitchen counter. lizzie takes a seat next to me. "how long are they gonna take?" i ask her eagerly. "about 10 minutes..." she says as rests her chin on her hand. "wanna listen to music?" i ask lizzie. "sure!" she quickly replies. i get out my phone and choose a song to dance to with her. i raise my phone to full volume before pulling lizzie off of the stool she's sitting on. a few second later, the song "Take a Chance" by ABBA starts playing. i immediately start dancing and lizzie soon joins me.

we dance to a few more disco songs before lizzie checks on the cookies in the oven. "they're ready!" she says with excitement. she puts on an oven mitten and pulls the tray of cookies out of the oven. instantly, the aroma of chocolate chip cookies fills the air around us. it smells heavenly and my mouth starts watering a bit. we wait for them to cool a bit before taking two off of the tray and taking a big bite. i smile at lizzie and she gives me a warm smile back as we munch away on the cookies. i would remember this moment forever.


it's officially christmas break! woo! i'm already so done with school, i don't wanna go back 😭 oh well i hoped this cheered y'all up

Kisses - L💋

word counter: 590

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