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Although oblivious to the emotional turbulence within Nancy's heart, the town of Hawkins continued its mundane existence.

Still grappling with guilt and grief, Nancy threw herself into investigating The Sentinel. The trail led her to Sterling, a former employee of Hawkins Post who had warned her to keep their noses out of The Sentinel's business.

Robin, beaming ever since Nancy had kissed her, tagged along, scooping ice cream during the day and joining Nancy in her late-night investigations.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across Hawkins, Nancy and Robin found themselves in the quiet corners of the Hawkins Post Archives.

The dim light illuminated rows of dusty boxes containing a piece of the town's history.

Nancy leaned against a row of cabinets, flipping through a lime green document, "This says there's something off about Mayor Thornton," she said absently, scanning the papers for the third time, "I just can't figure out what it is."

Robin set down her stack of files and stood beside Nancy to peer over her shoulder, "Corrupt politicians are practically a cliché, but we gotta start somewhere, right?"

Nancy nodded, and they got to work right away.

As they delved into Mayor Thornton's past, Robin noticed a shift in Nancy's demeanour, as if an invisible barrier had emerged between them.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Robin asked, reaching for Nancy's hand across the table.

Nancy pulled her hand away as if Robin's fingertips were made of fire, "Fine, thanks," she said, smiling a little too broadly, "Just trying to focus on this."

Robin tilted her head, looking down at her hand to see why Nancy reacted the way she did, "Did I do something wrong, Nance?" she asked softly, "You're avoiding—"

"Avoiding what?" Nancy interrupted.

"It's just—" Robin hesitated, struggling for words, "You're acting like you're afraid of touching me or something."

Nancy's laugh came out in a sharp bark, "I'm not afraid to touch you, Robin. We need to stay focused on this investigation. We can't let personal stuff distract us right now."

"Personal stuff?" Robin repeated, confusion sweeping all thoughts from her brain, "So we're ignoring whatever happened the other night?"

"There's nothing to ignore," she said defensively, sifting through a few more files while she spoke, "We're just friends, working together."

"Friends?" Robin raised her eyebrows, "Is that what you're calling it?"

"Yes, because it's the truth," Nancy said, blinking at Robin as if she should already know this, "Nothing more than friends."

"Except for that kiss, right?" Robin asked, her chest tightening, "You can't just pretend it didn't happen."

Nancy's jaw tightened, and she glanced away, unwilling to confront the truth that lingered between them.

And the truth was that the more she thought about getting closer to Robin, the more terrified she was of losing her. What better way of keeping her from the same fate as Jonathan than not letting her get as close as he had?

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