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The light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over Nancy's bed.

Robin woke first, her gaze fixating on Nancy curled up beside her. She smiled to herself, marvelling at the serenity that seemed to envelop her.

Nancy blinked her eyes open and nestled closer, her forehead resting against Robin's, "Well, hello."

"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty," she brushed a strand of Nancy's hair from her eyes.

Nancy laughed softly, rubbing her eyes, "You're too much sometimes."

Robin propped herself up on her elbow, "And you love it."

Nancy rose to her and smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips, "Maybe I do."

Robin tried to hide the blush creeping up on her cheeks, but Nancy's eyes caught sight of it.

She put a leg over Robin's waist and glanced down at her, lacing their fingers together, "I think I've found your secret weakness."

Robin glanced up at her, tilting her head, "Yeah? And what's that?"

"Kisses," she said with a sly smile, leaning down to kiss her again, "You turn into a blushing mess."

"I do not!" she replied defensively, trying to push the sheepish smile off her face.

"Want me to prove it again?" Nancy asked, her brows rising as she leaned down closer. The kiss was deep and slow, lingering like the scent of rain after a storm.

As Nancy pulled away, Robin followed her blindly in a silent beg for more.

Nancy pushed her down with another kiss, their hands tangled between their chests.

She pulled away again, and Robin's eyes opened, sparkling with a softness Nancy didn't want to look away from.

Flustered, Robin bit her lip, the butterflies in her stomach catching fire, "Alright, I may be a bit of a blushing mess."

"Darling, your freckles are blushing," Nancy teased, releasing Robin's hands and sliding off her waist, "I think this calls for some celebratory tea and toast."

Robin smiled and gave her a mock salute, "Yes, ma'am," she said, slipping out from underneath the duvet.

Robin bowed at Nancy's side, offering her hand, "M'lady?"

As she took Robin's hand and climbed out of bed, Nancy laughed, rolling her eyes, "You're adorable."

They made their way toward the kitchen, the air between them charged with a gentleness that neither wanted to disturb.

The aroma of brewing tea mingled with the scent of toast, creating a lightness that settled across the kitchen.

As they sat down to eat their breakfast, the conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving through topics both mundane and significant. It was a dance of words and glances, a shared language only they could understand.

They discussed their plans for dealing with The Sentinel, the challenges that lay ahead seeming less daunting in the presence of shared determination.

𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐔𝐏,  ronanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora