8. Confessions

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{Saturday, September 23rd}

"What?" Raymond asked.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. "I thought it'd be better if I just left it- but you seem so different. You're never this... quiet. I-If it's about the dinner fight-"

"It's not about the dinner fight!" Raymond interrupted. He rubbed his ear. "Sorry," he sighed.

"So, it's um... something else?" My pulse quickened significantly.

"It's about school," he answered. "It's... ..."

I reassured Raymond that he could calm down, and he placed a paw on his chest, a gust of air leaving his mouth.

"I'm glad we hung out," he began. "It just gave me a break from... all this! To... to be with you-" my heart sparked- "and enjoy myself. But sometimes at school when I'm alone in the halls, I'll just see Dom and the other two shit heads watching me. Sometimes they'll straight up ask me about where you are. Of course I never answer! And then this morning I-" he cut himself off.

"You... what? This morning?" I asked.

Raymond shook his head. "I don't want to talk about that part."

I nodded, sitting on the foot of his bed, with him sitting right by my side. I lightly laid my head on his shoulder, wrapping my tail around his waist. "Go ahead. Continue."

"It's just like, whenever they mention your name, my heart sinks, and I become afraid of what they'll do. Do you know anything about it?"

"I mean... they ask me repeatedly to meet them at the cafeteria, but I've just been avoiding them."

"Well... they're... they're getting impatient. They're getting more aggressive, more demanding. I don't want them to hurt you, so I just-!" Raymond firmly grasped both of my shoulders, looking me dead in the eye. He tightly embraced me after, the warmth of his body spreading throughout mine.

"I don't want them to do anything to you," he whispered. "Not ever. Never. I... love you, Marshal."

My whole face burned red. "...What?"

Raymond let go, his face scorching red as well. "I-I didn't mean that kind of love!"

I felt hotter. "I... Ray- ..."

Raymond watched my movements, ears drooped down, a frown creeping across his face. "I'm so sorry I never told you before. Their faces... they were too... I don't know!"

I watched as his expression went grim as he hung his head in shame. Thinking about what I should do next, I cupped his cheek in my paw, wiping away at his eye with my thumb.

"Raymond," I reassured. "I'm absolutely fucking terrified by that- but thank you for telling me. I don't care if you think it was 'late' or not. You told me, and I greatly appreciate that." I gently hugged him replicating the way he did for me earlier.

"Since you just told me the love is friendly, then sure. I love you too, Raymond."

Silence filled the room, just the two of us in our embrace. Even our breaths were hushed.

Eventually Raymond got to his feet, setting his paws on his hips. "Well, I didn't do it this morning, so I'm gonna go shower. See you afterwards." He grabbed some clothes and left the room.

I sat there, brushing my arm. I sprawled out across the bed, observing every last detail of the ceiling. It was somehow quieter than before, just me and me alone.

Until the door opened once more. I sat upright, looking at who was in the doorway.

"Hey Ray- oh. Is he gone?" Rosie asked, leaning against the doorframe.

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